Erlang Process doesn't receive messages
Shawn Pearce
Mon Jun 9 20:44:16 CEST 2003
In the shell, you have bound Msg to the value of 1.
So during the first receive:
99> receive Msg -> Msg after 3000 -> timeout end.
Msg is bound to 1.
Now later on, in all other receive calls, you really have:
104> process_info(self(), messages).
105> receive 1 -> 1 after 3000 -> timeout end.
106> receive 1 -> 1 after 3000 -> timeout end.
as there is no message '1' in the mailbox.
You must forget the binding of Msg using f(Msg) (which only works
in the shell), or use another variable:
105> receive Msg1 -> Msg1 after 3000 -> timeout end.
106> receive Msg2 -> Msg2 after 3000 -> timeout end.
Serge Aleynikov <serge@REDACTED> wrote:
> During the following test, I discovered a non-intuitive behavior that
> I'd appreciate to receive some help with.
> Given two processes: client (shown as a Erlang shell process), and
> server. The server implements the following loop in a process separate
> from client:
> loop() ->
> receive
> stop ->
> stopped;
> {test, From, Arg} ->
> timer:sleep(3000),
> From ! Arg,
> loop()
> end.
> Perform the commands below from the client process shell. What is not
> clear in this code is that despite the fact that the client has messages
> in its mailbox, the receive command times out without removing messages
> from the mailbox.
> Can anyone explain this?
> Thanks,
> Serge
> 94> Pid = server:start().
> <0.139.0>
> 95> process_info(self(), messages).
> {messages,[]}
> 96> Pid ! {test, self(), 1}.
> {test,<0.142.0>,1}
> 97> process_info(self(), messages).
> {messages,[]}
> 98> process_info(self(), messages).
> {messages,[1]}
> 99> receive Msg -> Msg after 3000 -> timeout end.
> 1
> 100> Pid ! {test, self(), 1}.
> {test,<0.142.0>,1}
> 101> Pid ! {test, self(), 2}.
> {test,<0.142.0>,2}
> 102> process_info(self(), messages).
> {messages,[1]}
> 103> process_info(self(), messages).
> {messages,[1]}
> 104> process_info(self(), messages).
> {messages,[1,2]}
> 105> receive Msg -> Msg after 3000 -> timeout end.
> 1
> 106> receive Msg -> Msg after 3000 -> timeout end.
> timeout
> 107> receive Msg -> Msg after 3000 -> timeout end.
> timeout
> 108> process_info(self(), messages).
> {messages,[2]}
> 109> os:type().
> {win32,nt}
> ------------------------
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