max ports and max fds
Fri Feb 21 12:24:16 CET 2003
The following diff shows an error, or at least a confusion
in io.c. The patch is for R8, but exactly the same code
remains in R9 except that the variable has been renamed from
erl_max_ports to erts_max_ports + an additional sanity check.
tita:beam> cvs diff io.c
Index: io.c
RCS file: /home/share/erlang/cvsroot/otp/erts/emulator/beam/io.c,v
retrieving revision 1.18
diff -c -b -r1.18 io.c
*** io.c 8 Oct 2002 11:46:15 -0000 1.18
--- io.c 21 Feb 2003 11:02:05 -0000
*** 693,699 ****
if (maxports != NULL)
erl_max_ports = atoi(maxports);
! erl_max_ports = 0;
last_port = 0;
if (erl_max_ports < 1024)
--- 693,699 ----
if (maxports != NULL)
erl_max_ports = atoi(maxports);
! erl_max_ports = sys_max_files();
last_port = 0;
if (erl_max_ports < 1024)
The problem is that by default max_ports is set to 1024.
There is an environment variable in the code which can be
used to set max ports
# export ERL_MAX_PORTS=2048
The problem with that is that, it's not intuitive.
If I do:
# uname -n 2048
# erl
I expect the erlang system to be able to open 2048 files,
it doesn't unless I also set the ERL_MAX_PORTS=2048.
The correct default value in my opinion is max_files
So otp:
accept, reject, delay, ignore, or rework this patch ?
Claes Wikstrom -- Caps lock is nowhere and
Alteon WebSystems -- everything is under control
cellphone: +46 70 2097763
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