bug in inet_drv.c
Wed Feb 19 21:59:36 CET 2003
Bug in inet_drv.c
flinta:common> diff -c inet_drv.c.orig inet_drv.c
*** inet_drv.c.orig Wed Feb 19 21:51:27 2003
--- inet_drv.c Wed Feb 19 21:51:30 2003
*** 1990,1995 ****
--- 1990,1996 ----
return -1;
while(n && SP(ptr)) { ptr++; n--; }
if (n == 0) {
+ desc->http_state++;
return http_request_message(desc, meth,
meth_ptr, meth_len,
uri_ptr, uri_len,
The error is in GET request on the form semi broken 0.9 requests.
# cat bad.txt
# nc localhost 1234 < bad.txt
while erlang runs:
s() ->
{ok,L} = gen_tcp:listen(1234, [{packet,http}, {active, false}]),
io:format("After listen\n",[]),
{ok,S} = gen_tcp:accept(L),
io:format("after accept",[]),
R = gen_tcp:recv(S, 0),
io:format("First read: ~p~n", [R]),
R2 = gen_tcp:recv(S, 0),
io:format("second read: ~p~n", [R2]).
The second read never returns and the fd is never closed. Bad.
Claes Wikstrom -- Caps lock is nowhere and
Alteon WebSystems -- everything is under control
cellphone: +46 70 2097763
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