Why special function apply(Mod, Func, Args).
Ulf Wiger
Fri Feb 7 14:20:36 CET 2003
On Fri, 7 Feb 2003, Suresh S wrote:
>In erlang Course there is a special function described
>i.e apply(Mod, Func, Args) at
>Special Function :
>apply(Mod, Func, Args)
>1> apply( lists1,min_max,[[4,1,7,3,9,10]]).
> {1, 10}
>but this will solve the problem
>2> lists1:min_max([4,1,7,3,9,10]).
> {1, 10}
>i really do not understand why the special function
>apply(Mod, Func, Args).
The apply/3 function was the original way to do "meta
programming" in Erlang. A typical example is
rpc:call(Node, Module, Function, Arguments)
which results in a message to the process 'rex' on Node,
instructing it to call
apply(Module, Function, Arguments)
and return the result.
Nowadays, Erlang supports constructs like
Module = lists1,
Module = lists1,
Function = min_max,
which are "nicer" than apply/3. Also, function objects
perform much the same task, but are nicer still. (:
The OTP behaviours, like gen_server, gen_event, et al,
rely heavily on meta programming. For example, gen_server
does the following in principle:
{'gen_call',From,Request} ->
case catch Module:handle_call(
Request, From, ModState) of
{reply, Reply, NewModState} ->
Ulf Wiger, Senior Specialist,
/ / / Architecture & Design of Carrier-Class Software
/ / / Strategic Product & System Management
/ / / Ericsson Telecom AB, ATM Multiservice Networks
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