idiom for clearing up resources?

Serge Aleynikov serge@REDACTED
Mon Aug 25 14:40:20 CEST 2003

You can use catch facility with pattern patching:

case catch file:make_dir("c:/tmp/foo") of
   ok               -> do_some_stuff();
   {'EXIT', Reason} -> file:del_dir("c:/tmp/foo")


Result = catch file:make_dir("c:/tmp/foo"),
case Result of
   ok -> do_some_stuff();
   {'EXIT', Reason} -> io:format('Error making dir: ~p~n", [Reason])

WILLIAMS Dominic wrote:
> Hello,
> Is there an idiom for initializing and clearing up resources
> (e.g. files) needed by an Erlang function, in such a way that the
> clear-up code gets called even in the face of an error?
> e.g.
> myfunc() ->
> 	ok = file:make_dir("c:/tmp/foo"),
> 	% do some stuff
> 	ok = file:del_dir("c:/tmp/foo").
> I want the last line to be called even if "do some stuff" crashes.
> Basically, coming from a C++ background, this is the code I would
> have put in something's destructor, and I am wondering what Erlangers
> do...
> Cheers,
> Dominic.

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