Opteron estone results

Kent Boortz kent@REDACTED
Fri Aug 15 23:15:45 CEST 2003

Some interesting and affordable 64 bit platforms are showing up giving
us a lot more real and virtual memory space to run Erlang in. I just
tried building and running R9C estone on a AMD Opteron 1.4 GHz
processor and FreeBSD. Opteron is a 64 bit processor with a very fast
memory system. I built Erlang using gcc 3.2.2.

I will get access to a PowerMac G5 soon. The IBM PowerPC G5 also a 64
bit processor and probably a very fast processor running Erlang as well,


[Estone is part of the emulator test suite]


**** ESTONES = 79750 ****

    Title                            Millis        Estone       %    Loops      

list manipulation                    147             10311        7     6400       

small messages                       430             7217         10    1515       

medium messages                      807             7527         14    1527       

huge messages                        222             2237         4     52         

pattern matching                     110             7058         5     1046       

traverse                             170             2910         4     2834       

Port i/o                             1051            4247         12    4800       

Work with large dataset              116             2407         3     1193       

Work with large local dataset        94              2954         3     1174       

Alloc and dealloc                    59              2094         2     3710       

Bif dispatch                         141             5501         5     1623       

Binary handling                      189             2621         4     581        

ets datadictionary                   209             5335         6     342        

Generic server (with timeout)        349             7197         9     7977       

Small Integer arithmetics            139             2005         3     4157       

Float arithmetics                    29              1070         1     5526       

Function calls                       149             5210         5     882        

Timers                               100             1234         2     2312       

Links                                50              615          1     30      

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