Distribution with Mnesia

Marc Ernst Eddy van Woerkom Marc.Vanwoerkom@REDACTED
Tue Aug 12 23:47:45 CEST 2003

>   If you want to have a very dynamic network of mnesia nodes,
>   I suggest you configure a few nodes to hold a disk copy of
>   the schema, and manage them with care. Then, you can connect
>   other nodes using the mnesia 'extra_db_nodes' feature.
>   These nodes will be "diskless" from mnesia's perspective, 
>   and may come and go at will... almost. If a diskless node
>   loses contact with one of the master nodes, it should 
>   unconditionally restart (mnesia, at least).

The docs (as far as I read them) tell not much about the limits
and costs of distribution.

But what you tell here looks like a distributed mnesia db
is a tightly coupled aggreation of nodes.

If one wants to support Peer to Peer with lots of folks 
entering and leaving the net unpredictably, one would probably
something different.

I really hope it will be possible to extend Erlang in that
direction, there are so many places where P2P would already make
good sense besides stealing copyrighted stuff, imagine 
rolling out the latest Erlang tarballs with P2P techniques
to distribute server load.. 

The mnesia doc also makes me wonder how you did implement
certain stuff, like the transaction system analyzing the
function objects that represent transactions.. 


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