ACM SIGPLAN Erlang Workshop - call for papers - remainder

Bjarne Däcker bjarne@REDACTED
Thu Apr 24 19:25:15 CEST 2003

All Erlang users, developers, researchers, enthusiasts etc. are invited to the 2nd ACM SIGPLAN Erlang Workshop which will be held in Uppsala on August 29, 2003. 
Please see the call for papers

Programme chairman is Thomas Arts  thomas.arts@REDACTED and authors are invited to write and mail him abstracts or full paper on the following and other Erlang related topics: Language concepts, Implementation issues, Specification and type checking, Design issues especially of large concurrent distributed reliable systems, Runtime profiling and performance measurements, Testing, debugging, tracing and formal verification tools, Programming techniques. 

The ACM SIGPLAN Erlang Workshop is part of the Principles, Logics, and Implementations of High-Level Programming Languages conference

See you all in Uppsala in August!


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