erlang drivers on jaguar
Micael Karlberg
Wed Oct 16 09:56:43 CEST 2002
Try this patch:
cd to erts/emulator/drivers/unix and apply
the attached patch (patch -p1 <unix_ddll_drv.patch)
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Mind you, this does not work for every driver. For instance
it does to cure the per_bin driver (used for encoding when
compiling asn1 with options -bper_bin +optimized).
This will _not_ make it into the R9 release!
david wallin writes:
> Hi all,
> I have some problems with loading erlang drivers under MacOSX 10.2 (aka
> Jaguar). Could it be a gcc 3.1 issue? or is it Apple who once again
> decides to change everything?
> Either way, if anyone has a fix for this, I'd be interested.
> cheers,
> --david.
Micael Karlberg Ericsson AB, ?lvsj? Sweden
Tel: +46 8 727 5668 EAB/UHK/KD - OTP Product Development
ECN: 851 5668 Mail: micael.karlberg@REDACTED
Fax: +46 8 727 5775
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