
Hal Snyder hal@REDACTED
Mon Mar 11 05:28:25 CET 2002

Johan Blom <johan.blom@REDACTED> writes:

> inets: Version 3.0JB-b
> Fixes a few bugs... 

Thanks so much for the ongoing work on inets. The biggest difference
we saw between 2.6.0 and 3.0.0 was elimination of 1-second delay
between delivery of html to the client and closing of the http socket.

We are not getting readable ASCII transfer and error disk logs with
3.0 versions of inets, even with explicit

  DiskLogFormat external

in the httpd.conf file.

Are we doing something wrong? Here's our workaround. After applying
the patch, logs are readable with less, grep, usw. - if it's really a
fix, then write_to_log could be eliminated:

--- mod_disk_log.erl.orig	Thu Feb 21 09:43:42 2002
+++ mod_disk_log.erl	Sun Mar 10 22:17:23 2002
@@ -173,9 +173,9 @@
 %% Actually writes the entry to the disk_log. If the log is an 
 %% Internal disk_log write it with log otherwise with blog.
-    disk_log:blog(Log,term_to_binary(Entry));
+    disk_log:blog(Log,Entry);
 write_to_log(Log,Entry,internal) ->

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