driver_output_term() and unsigned long (32 bit) values

Shawn Pearce spearce@REDACTED
Fri Jul 26 22:48:46 CEST 2002

Sean Hinde <Sean.Hinde@REDACTED> scrawled:
> > Why not a function:
> > 
> > 	ErlDrvTerm driver_mkref()
> > 
> > which will always use the internal reference allocator?  Or is it
> > not possible to use the existing allocator underlying erlang:mkref/0
> > while a driver is executing?
> It might be a problem if this was called by a driver thread - depending on
> the algorithm it might need some mutex protection. Calling something like
> this from one of the main driver callbacks in the main thread shouldn't be a
> problem though.

It was my understanding from the documentation that none of the functions
made available by Erts could be used in a driver async thread or any other
type of thread created by the driver.  I wouldn't expect this function to be
any different.


Why do I like Perl?  Because ``in accordance with Unix tradition Perl
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Why do I dislike Java? Because ``the class ROPE that should contain the
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'security' built into the base language.''

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