[E-CFP] WFLP2002 - Preliminary Call for Papers

Marco Comini comini@REDACTED
Wed Jan 16 19:40:41 CET 2002


                            CALL FOR PAPERS

11th International Workshop on Functional and (Constraint) Logic Programming

                             Grado, Italy
                      June 20 - 22, 2002



The international workshop on functional and (constraint) logic 
programming WFLP 2002 aims to bring together researchers interested 
in functional programming, (constraint) logic programming, as well as 
their integration.  Recent edition of the workshop have been held in 
Kiel (Germany), Benicassim (Spain), Grenoble (France), Bad Honnef 

This workshop aims to promote the cross-fertilizing exchange of ideas 
and experiences among researches and students from the different 
communities interested in the foundations, applications, software 
engineering techniques and combinations of high-level, declarative 
(constraint) programming languages and related areas.  The technical 
program of the workshop will include invited talks, presentations of 
refereed papers and demo presentations.

The WWW page of the workshop is:



The topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

*  Functional programming
*  Logic programming
*  Constraint programming
*  Deductive databases
*  Extensions of declarative languages
*  Multi-paradigm declarative programming
*  Foundations, semantics, non-monotonic reasoning, dynamics
*  Parallelism, concurrency and narrowing
*  Program analysis, abstract interpretation
*  Program transformation, partial evaluation, meta-programming
*  Specification, verification, declarative debugging
*  Knowledge representation, machine learning
*  Declarative programming and software engineering
*  Implementation of declarative languages
*  Advanced programming environments and tools
*  Applications

The primary focus is on new and original research results but 
submissions describing innovative products, prototypes under 
development or interesting experiments (e.g., benchmarks) are also 


Submission of papers:       March 20, 2002
Notification of acceptance: April 28, 2002
Camera-ready papers:        May 15, 2002
Workshop:                   June 20 - 22 , 2002


Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract (no longer than 10 
pages including figures and references) or a system description (no 
longer than 3 pages) in postscript format (11pt) via email to


before March 20, 2002.  Submissions should include the title, 
authors' names, affiliations, addresses, and e-mail.  The proceedings 
with the full versions of all accepted contributions (no longer than 
15 pages for regular contributions and 3 pages for system 
descriptions) will be published as a Technical Report of the 
University of Udine.  A selection of the accepted papers will be 
considered for publication in the Electronic Proceedings of 
Theoretical Computer Science (Elsevier) after the workshop.


0An award will be given to the best paper exclusively written by one 
or several young researchers who have not yet obtained their PhD 
degrees.  Papers written in this category should be clearly marked 
"Student papers" in the submission.


The workshop will be a 3-day event including presentations of the 
accepted papers, system demos, and

2 INVITED TALKS (to be announced)


WFLP 2002 will take place in Grado, Italy.
Grado is an island located on the Adriatic coast in a beautiful 
lagoon.  It is famous for its attractive beaches, for its Roman 
history, and for the pleasant middleuropean atmosphere.  Venezia is 
100 km away and Trieste is 60 km away.

More details about the accommodation, traveling information, etc., 
will be available at the WFLP 2002 WWW page at 


    WFLP 2002
    Moreno Falaschi
    Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica
    Università degli Studi di Udine
    Via delle Scienze, 206
    33100 UDINE, Italy
    Phone: +39-0432-55-8472 or -8400 (Secr.)
    Fax: +39-0432-55-8499
    Email: wflp2002@REDACTED
    WWW: http://www.dimi.uniud.it/~wflp2002/


Maria Alpuente (Technical University of Valencia)
Sergio Antoy (Portland State University)
Manuel Chakravarty (University of New South Wales, Sidney)
Rachid Echahed (IMAG, Grenoble) 
Francois Fages (INRIA Rocquencourt)
Moreno Falaschi (Univ. Udine, chair) 
Thom Fruewirth (LMU Munich)
Robert Glück (Waseda Univ., Japan and DIKU, Denmark)
Michael Hanus (CAU Kiel)
Tetsuo Ida (University of Tsukuba)
Helene Kirchner (Univ. Nancy)
Herbert Kuchen (Univ. Muenster) 
Michael Maher (Loyola University Chicago)
Juan Jose Moreno Navarro (UP Madrid) 
Ernesto Pimentel (Univ. Malaga)
Mario Rodriguez-Artalejo (UC Madrid) 


Gianluca Amato
Demis Ballis
Marco Comini
Luca Di Gaspero
Agostino Dovier
Moreno Falaschi
Alicia Villanueva

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