Mapping processes

martin j logan martin@REDACTED
Tue Dec 17 23:26:28 CET 2002

   When I first started using erlang I also had this idea.  I went so
far as to implement it. I spent about an hour trying to figure out what
clever construct I had come up with in order to fool the garbage
collector so completely and cause such a nasty "memory leak". The thing
is that the first argument to register must be an atom so you must
convert reqID to an atom. I found out after a bit of research that atoms
are not garbage collected, they are stored in a table for the life of
the system. So in the interest of helping a fellow erlanger avoid such
folly as I engaged in let me say that you should not ever dynamically
create atoms in any situation that is not garaunteed to be finite. I
typically use an ets table, loop data/dict, or some such to store
mappings. This is coupled with some facility to remove the processes
when they die. In this manner you can nicely achieve the same


On Tue, 2002-12-17 at 13:50, Vladimir Sekissov wrote:
> Good day,
> eduardo> What do you think about using register(reqId, PID) and
> eduardo> whereis(reqId) to  
> eduardo> retrieve the PID so to send the response, in an async. way,
> eduardo> to the calling process. 
> I think you could easily exceed the atoms table limit on long living
> system. Using simple dictionary of {callerPid, reqId} and trapping
> exit messages from callers to delete records from dictionary would be
> better solution. May be like this or as gen_server:
> create_dict() ->
>   spawn_link(fun dict_srv/0).
> remove_dict(DPid) ->
>   DPid ! {self(), stop},
>   receive
>     {DPid, stopped} ->
>       ok
>   end.
> dict_add(DPid, Pid, Reg) ->
>   DPid ! {self(), add, {Pid, Reg}}.
> dict_get(DPid, Reg) ->
>   DPid ! {self(), get, Reg},
>   receive
>     {DPid, {value, {Pid, _}}} ->
>       Pid;
>     {DPid, false} ->
>       undefined 
>   end.
> dict_srv() ->
>   process_flag(trap_exit, true),
>   dict_loop([]).
> dict_loop(Dict) ->
>   receive
>     {_From, add, V={Pid, Reg}} ->
>       link(Pid),
>       dict_loop([V|Dict]);
>     {From, get, Reg} ->
>       From ! {self(), lists:keysearch(Reg, 2, Dict)},
>       dict_loop(Dict);
>     {'EXIT', Pid, Reson} ->
>       case lists:keymember(Pid, 1, Dict) of
> 	true ->
> 	  dict_loop(lists:keydelete(Pid, 1, Dict));
> 	false ->
> 	  exit(Reson)
>       end;
>     {From, stop} ->
>       From ! {self(), stopped},
>       ok
>   end.
> Best Regards,
> Vladimir Sekissov
> eduardo> 
> eduardo> I'm thinking how to map processes with request Id so to manage
> eduardo> callbacks when using ports.
> eduardo> What do you think about using register(reqId, PID) and whereis(reqId) to 
> eduardo> retrieve the PID so to send the response, in an async. way, to the calling process.
> eduardo> 
> eduardo> 
> eduardo> 
> eduardo> Thanks,
> eduardo> Eduardo Figoli
> eduardo> INSwitch Solutions
> eduardo> 
> eduardo> 
> eduardo> 
> eduardo> 

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