Section numbering using xmerl:export

Mikael Karlsson mikael.karlsson@REDACTED
Thu Aug 29 10:19:40 CEST 2002

I am trying to export a Simple Docbook xml to xhtml using
the export function in xmlerl. I wan't to have section numbering
in the 3 top levels and after some testing I could use the
ParentTagPosition from the [{ParentTag, ParentTagPosition}]
argument. (See code below.)

The top section gets position 4, next top section pos 6, subsections 
get pos 5, 7, etc.. . 

Now, is this just a lucky coincidence or is it something I can
expect for any document?

title(Data, Attrs, [{section,C}, {section,B}, {section,A} | _], E) ->
    ["<h4>", get_chapter(A,B,C)," ", Data, "</h4>"];
title(Data, Attrs, [{section,B}, {section,A} | _], E) ->
    ["<h3>", get_chapter(A,B), "  ",  Data,  "</h3>"];
title(Data, Attrs, [{section,A} | _], E) ->
    ["<h2>",get_chapter(A),".  ", Data, "</h2>"];
title(Data, Attrs, [{article,_} | _], E) ->
    ["<h1>", Data, "</h1>"];
title(Data, Attrs, Parents, E)->
    ["<h1>", Data, "</h1>"].

    mk_string((A-2) div 2).
get_chapter(A,B) ->
    get_chapter(A) ++ "." ++ get_chapter(B-1).
get_chapter(A,B,C) ->
    get_chapter(A,B) ++ "." ++ get_chapter(C-1).

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