Erlang language issues

Fredrik Linder fredrik.linder@REDACTED
Thu Apr 18 10:56:52 CEST 2002

> > From: "Fredrik Linder" <fredrik.linder@REDACTED>
> > Will you also allow // as an alternative to %?
> would this be beneficial? (ie, is the profit of 2 different
> comment-until-end-of-line markup signs bigger than the cost?)

Are there no tools for extracting comments from C++ code? If Erlang uses the
same comment syntax as in C++, then one should be abel to use those tools.

And what is the actual cost? Slightly altering the pre-processor?

When we're at it, why not convert to C++-style completely, issuing a warning
when % is used!
Seriously, I think we'll have to live with %...


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