sae, clarification needed, please

Bengt Kleberg eleberg@REDACTED
Thu Jun 21 17:18:29 CEST 2001


Erlang R7B-3

What modules are callable from my erlang program, without having to
include them when doing the linking (elink)?

In the example below I clearly have access to something called
erlang:display/1 and erlang:stop/0. Where do they come from?

; cat > echo.erl
-module( echo ).


main(Args) ->
	echo( tl( Args ) ),

echo( [] ) ->
echo( [H|T] ) ->
	erlang:display( H ),
	echo( T ).
; ecc echo.erl
"echo.erl" {ok,echo}
; elink -o echo -m echo -s ecat main
; ./echo 1 2 3
1 2 3

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