about graphics and GUI

Sean Hinde Sean.Hinde@REDACTED
Mon Sep 18 11:44:51 CEST 2000

I looked at this a bit a while back and it seemed that most of the other
language bindings used their equivalent of the old Interface Generator to
generate all the code. (i.e. given a set of C header files, generate the
equivalent interface in the native language). Since the demise of IG there
doesn't appear to be an easy mechanism (write your own generator..)

Maybe there would be some scope in having a preliminary stage in the IC
compilation process to munge C header files into something usable by this?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Luc Taesch [mailto:ltaesch@REDACTED]
> Sent: 16 September 2000 22:36
> To: Kent Boortz; erlang-questions@REDACTED
> Subject: Re: about graphics and GUI
> >>
> >>
> >> A drawback with using GS as a frontend to a Qt backend is that we
> >> can't design our GUI with the graphical GUI builders available for
> >> Qt. Maybe the idea of having an interface, like GS, to a 
> GUI library
> >>
> >> in Erlang isn't a good idea at all. You can write the GUI 
> in C++ and
> >>
> >> communicate with Erlang at the application level instead. This of
> >> cause require that you define your own communication between the
> >> Erlang application and the corresponding C++ program and the fast
> >> start up development time using GS is lost but it is something to
> >> consider.
> >
> > the standard would be the protocol then, rather than the 
> interface. ?
> >
> >>
> >
> it seems its the approach taken by kde2  /based on qt 2,2), 
> and the dcop
> approach
> see
> http://www.arrakis.es/~rlarrosa/tutorial/p5.html
> tutorial taken from,
> http://developer.kde.org/documentation/tutorials.html
> typically, one program define the ui (or even dynamically load it from
> xml), and the server has just to implement a series of DCOP slots
> (functions).
> the server can be in other languages, and an example of 
> python biding is
> given as an example.
> http://www.arrakis.es/~rlarrosa/tutorial/p6.html

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