optimization tricks ?
Mon May 15 20:42:14 CEST 2000
On Mon, May 15, 2000 at 07:11:05PM +0200, Ulf Wiger wrote:
> On Mon, 15 May 2000 dgould@REDACTED wrote:
> >Very nice. I prefer however to:
> >
> > 1. First make it beautiful
> > 2. Then make it work
> >
> >Since 2 almost naturally follows from 1.
> >
> >The corollary is that one rarely ends up debugging pretty code.
> >
> >-dg "yes I am mostly serious about this"
> The "first make it beautiful, then make it work" philosophy does
> conflict somwhat with that other maxim, "plan to throw away the first
> version of your program -- you will have to anyway."
I don't think there is a conflict if one expects that it may take a few
discarded rough drafts to get to something approaching beautiful.
The real hazard is when time presses and you end up shipping the rough
David Gould dgould@REDACTED
SuSE, Inc., 580 2cd St. #210, Oakland, CA 94607 510.628.3380
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