multi-attribute mnesia indexes?
Karel Van Oudheusden
Fri Dec 29 15:37:10 CET 2000
This mail does not contain an answer to your problems. However, since I am planning to do research on the topic you
describe, I would appreciate it if you (or somebody else) would make your (or similar) source code publicly available.
I am very keen on looking at it (and I will of course inform you of performance bottlenecks and optimizations).
I am also interested in software projects in which large amounts of C code are used in combination with Erlang code.
As a third remark, I would like to mention that the installation of Erlang R7B-1 on RedHat Linux 7.0 was successful.
(My apologizes if this is not the right place to mention this).
Shawn Pearce wrote:
> We're working on an application that probably should be using Oracle.
> However, the dataset is small enough that we should be able to use
> mnesia (100,000 rows in a table). What we have run into is that we
> want to have 16 or so processes scanning the mnesia table, while another
> two are performing write transactions against it.
> First problem is that Mnesia is reporting its overloaded. The exact
> console message is:
> =ERROR REPORT==== 28-Dec-2000::23:55:46 ===
> Mnesia('spearce@REDACTED'): ** ERROR ** Mnesia is overloaded: {dump_log, time_threshold}
> I dug in the archives and added these to my command line:
> -mnesia dump_log_load_regulation false \
> -mnesia dump_log_write_threshold 100000 \
> This cut back on the number of Mnesia error reports to one every few
> minutes, but they are still occuring.
> What the appliation is doing is, two generator processes are writing
> records into two mnesia tables, some 100,000 records at once. Both
> processes are running in a tight loop, kind of like what you see below:
> mk(0) -> done;
> mk(X) ->
> A = #foo{...},
> B = #bar{...},
> mnesia:transaction(fun() ->
> mnesia:write(A),
> mnesia:write(B)
> end),
> mk(X - 1).
> I started them by hand from the shell with:
> spawn(mymod, mk, [50000]).
> spawn(mymod, mk, [50000]).
> Rough calculation shows that mnesia is only doing 43 of these
> transactions per second with the system load such that it is.
> Now to add to the confusion, 16 other processes are running
> dirty_match_object operations against the tables at the same time the
> two generators are writing to them. One of the 16 processes reads only
> one column in an index, so we use dirty_index_read. The other 15 are
> busy with calls (many calls) to dirty_match_object. The pattern used
> is the wild pattern for the table (9 attributes), with 5 of the
> attributes filled in with a value. The other 4 were left alone. (To
> be wild cards.) None of these was the primary key (first attribute).
> Erlang uses 99% of the CPU to run this job. Right now, its up at 70 MB
> of RAM, as the tables are all disk_copies tables (so they are cached
> in RAM). Would switchig to disk_only tables help performance, getting
> rid of the cruft from RAM faster? My machine has 256 MB of RAM free,
> so swapping is not occuring at the OS level.
> So.....
> 1) What can I do differently to prevent mnesia from whining about its
> log files?
> 2) Is there anything I can do to increase the performance of my match
> operation? Would switching to mnemosyne help in this sitution? Does
> mnesia support multi-attribute indexes which would speed up the
> performance of the match_object operation?
> At present, my only other option is to switch to a real SQL database,
> as I can get true multi-column indexes there.
> --
> Shawn.
> ``If this had been a real
> life, you would have
> received instructions
> on where to go and what
> to do.''
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