The update R7B-1 is released

Kent Boortz kent@REDACTED
Sun Dec 3 16:36:45 CET 2000

This is a bug fix release R7B-1. You can download the full source
distribution or the patch (*) that take R7B-0 up to R7B-1.

There where smaller patches, 14 of them, released earlier. This
release and large patch replaces those, i.e. if you have applied them
earlier then you have patched up to R7B-1 already.

To patch you need a patch program that can handle the "unified"
diff format. You apply the patch with

  % cd otp_src_R7B-0
  % zcat ../otp_src_R7B-0to1.patch.gz | patch -p1

A FreeBSD package (4.X) and Linux RMP are planned to be released at
the end of this week.  There is no plan yet for when to release an
update of the Windows binary release.


(*) Read below about the difference between dowloading the full
    release and patching your old release.

The release process for updates

    1. We release fully tested source base releases. This is R7B-0,
       R8A-0, i.e. those ending in "-0".

    2. We release selected source snapshots. This is snapshots that
       contains important changes and that passed the testing. These
       snapshots will be named R7B-1, R7B-2, ......

    3. We will release combined patches, i.e. one large patch that
       patch from R7B-0 to R7B-1, a second one from R7B-1 to R7B-2
       etc.  Note that the result after patching will not be *exactly*
       the same as the snapshot. Some precompiled BEAM files in the
       bootstrap part may differ.

    4. When a move from one source release to the next require changes
       in the bootstrap compiler, then there will be no patch to
       upgrade. This forces a complete source release download with
       the correct binary BEAM files.

    5. Binary releases for Linux, FreeBSD and Windows will be built
       from the complete source snapshots, i.e. not from a base source
       release with applied patches.

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