Minimal embedded Erland system
Joergen Froejk Kjaersgaard
Wed Sep 22 21:39:14 CEST 1999
I have tried to make a minimal embedded Erlang system to use as a
template. However, when i start the system - even in embedded mode - I
get an Erlang shell prompt.
The files involved are:
-export([hello_sayer/0, start/2, stop/1]).
hello_sayer() ->
io:put_chars("hello, world\n"),
receive _ -> []
start(Type, Args) ->
io:put_chars("Application started\n"),
P = spawn(test, hello_sayer, []),
{ok, P, P}.
stop(P) ->
io:put_chars("Application has exited\n"),
{application, test,
[{description, "A simple test application"},
{vsn, "1.0"},
{id, "Test"},
{modules, [{test,"1.0"}]},
{maxP, infinity},
{maxT, infinity},
{registered, []},
{applications, [kernel, stdlib]},
{included_applications, []},
{env, []},
{mod, {test, []}},
{start_phases, []}]}.
{release, {"test","1.0"}, {erts, "4.4"},
[{test, "1.0", permanent},
{kernel, "2.1.4", permanent},
{stdlib, "1.5.2", permanent}]}.
I make a boot script using systools:make_script() and start the system
using "erl -boot test -mode embedded -pz /home/jfk/test/ebin". The
system writes "Application started" and "hello, world" as expected but
then a beam shell prompt appears! I expected the system to wait forever
(because nothing is ever sent to the started process). What am I doing
wrong? How can I make a minimal system which can be started from a Unix
shell, write something to standard output and then exit to the Unix
Jørgen Frøjk Kjærsgaard, Systemkonsulent (Systems Consultant)
Informaticon ApS * Nørrevænget 143 * DK-8310 Tranbjerg J
Tlf: 8672 0093 * E-mail: jfk@REDACTED *
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