Can messages be sent to processes interactively?
Joe Armstrong
Fri May 21 10:15:36 CEST 1999
Craig Dickson wrote:
> James Hague wrote:
> > I wrote a quickie test process so I can start it up and send messages to
> > it interactively, just so I know that all is well:
> >
> > -module(sample).
> > -export([start/0]).
> >
> > start() -> spawn(sample, server, []).
> >
> > server() ->
> > receive
> > stop -> ok;
> > Msg ->
> > io:fwrite("message received: ~w\n", [Msg]),
> > server(N)
> > end.
> >
> > This compiles just fine
> No, it doesn't. Variable N is unbound, and no function server/1 is defined.
> Furthermore, since you didn't export server/0, you can't spawn it.
> If you really want to be sure (interactively) that your process has started,
> have it output something when it starts up.
> This ought to compile and work as you expect:
> --- cut here ---
> -module(sample).
> -export([start/0, server/0]).
> start() -> spawn(?MODULE, server, []).
> server() ->
> io:fwrite("server started\n"),
> receive
> stop -> io:fwrite("server stopping\n"), ok;
> Msg -> io:fwrite("message received: ~w\n", [Msg])
> end.
> --- cut here ---
> You should find that you can send messages to this server from the Erlang
> shell.
> Craig
Right - but I think I should not point out the difference between spawn and
Suppose I write the following:
-export([start/0, server/0]).
start() -> spawn_link(sample, server, []).
server() ->
stop -> ok;
Msg ->
1 = 2,
This contains a deliberate error but it won't be reported
1> P=sample:start().
2> P!a
2> .
3> P!2.
The process died but we saw nothing. P is still a process reference but it
point to crap. P!2 etc. succeeds.
(X!Y has send and pray semantics :-)
Now change spawn to spawn_link. "spawn_link" says spawn the process and link
to it for
error handling purposes. Deliver an exit message if something goes wrong. so
1> P=sample:start().
2> P!1.
=ERROR REPORT==== 21-May-1999::10:09:00 ===
<0.30.0> error: {badmatch,2} in sample:server/0
** exited: {{badmatch,2},{sample,server,0}} **
3> P!2.
4> process_info(P).
Line 1> caused the spawned process to be linked to the shell process.
Line 2> Sends a message to P. The process crashes with a badmatch error (i.e. 1
cannot be 2)
Because it is linked to the shell an exit message is sent to the shell. The
shell has a handler
which prints the value of the exit signal.
Line 3> succeeds. P is still a reference to a proceess but the process is not
dead so P ! 2 succeeds
Line 4> you can inspect the "state" of P - it is of course, dead.
It's often a good idea to use spawn_link and lot and spawn sparingly if you're
a beginner
That way you get the default error handling mechanisms - gurus would probably
spawn a lot and spawn_link sparingly and make their own error handling
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