Erlang environment question...
Ulf Wiger
Thu Jul 1 14:07:25 CEST 1999
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to comp.lang.functional as well.
>>>>> "Edwin" == Edwin Young <edwin@REDACTED> writes:
Edwin> Since there doesn't seem to
Edwin> be an easy way of separating out just the required parts of
Edwin> the package, Erlang isn't as suitable for applets or small
Edwin> utility programs.
It's quite possible to write a utility that figures out which
parts of the Erlang environment to include in a tarball. In fact,
there is such a function in the systools.erl module. I'll admit
that the Release Handler architecture in Erlang was designed
with large embedded systems in mind, so getting acquainted with
it is somewhat of a chore. You'll find quite a few examples in
the SASL (Software Architecture Support Libraries) User's Guide.
The general idea is that you specify a text file, <RelName>.rel,
which defines your release; then you call systools:make_script()
to generate a start script, from which you can start your
system. Once you've verified that it works, you can call
systools:make_tar(ReleaseName, Options) to package the VM and
those applications you need into a tarball.
At AXD301, we have a support system which takes care of this
automatically when a user types 'install -conf <Configuration>'
in a shell. It's not completely generic, and we haven't been
able to separate it from the proprietary AXD 301 code in order
to post it to
If anyone is interested in building a wrapper around the
systools functions, I'd be happy to assist with pointers
(we've been using our own for over a year now.)
(snipped from the systools man page):
make_tar(ReleaseName) -> TarRet
make_tar(ReleaseName,Opts) -> TarRet
ReleaseName = string()
Opts = [{path, Path} | silent | {dirs, Dirs} |
{erts, ErtsDir} | no_module_tests | {variables,
Vars} | {var_tar, VarTar} | {machine, Machine} |
exref | {exref, [AppName]}]
Path = [Dir]
Dir = string()
Dirs = [atom()]
ErtsDir = string()
Vars = [Var]
Var = {VarName, PreFixDir}
VarName = atom() | string()
PreFixDir = string()
VarTar = include | ownfile | omit
Machine = atom()
AppName = atom()
TarRet = ok | error | {ok, Module, Warnings} |
{error, Module, Error}
Warnings = void()
Module = atom()
Error = void()
Ericsson Utvecklings ALast change: sasl 1.7 6
systools(3) ERLANG MODULE DEFINITION systools(3)
A release package file is generated from the
ReleaseName.rel file. The ReleaseName.tar.gz file is
generated. This file can then be uncompressed and
unpacked on the target system before the new release
can be activated, using the release_handler.
By default, the generated release package contains a
directory under the lib directory for each included
application . Each application directory is named
ApplicationName-ApplicationVsn. For each application,
the ebin and priv directories are included. These
directories are copied from where the applications were
found. If more directories are needed, it is possible
to specify these with the {dirs, Dirs} option. For
example, if the src and example directories should be
included for each application in the release package,
the {dirs, [src, examples]} option should be supplied.
[USW... lots of different options]
Ulf Wiger, Chief Designer AXD 301
Ericsson Telecom AB tfn: +46 8 719 81 95
Varuvägen 9, Älvsjö mob: +46 70 519 81 95
S-126 25 Stockholm, Sweden fax: +46 8 719 43 44
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