Orber doubles problem unmasked
Luke Gorrie
Sun Apr 18 15:44:03 CEST 1999
I've had a further look into my problem with Orber not marshalling
doubles. It turns out that Orber is aligning relative to the end of
the GIOP header, while it should be relative to the beginning of the
octet stream (corba 2.2 spec 13.3.1). Because the GIOP header is 12
bytes long, this doesn't affect alignments of 2 or 4 octets, which
accounts for the obscurity.
I've included diffs of my changes:
* Fix for alignment in cdr_encode and cdr_decode modules
* Relaxed guards in cdrlib to accept number()s rather than just
float()s for float and double types (for reasons outlined in my
previous mail).
Sorry to not send a proper patch file, but I'm a bit pressed for time,
just my RCS diffs included.
P.S. Could someone please confirm that there is no subtle problem I'm
missing with the guard change?
*** cdrlib.erl 1999/04/16 09:53:29 1.1
--- cdrlib.erl 1999/04/18 13:17:34
*** 265,271 ****
%% Func: enc_float/2
! enc_float(X, Message) when float(X) ->
{S, E, F} = enc_ieee(X, ?FLOAT_BASE, ?FLOAT_BIAS),
[ (S bsl 7) bor ((E bsr 1) band 16#7f),
((F bsr 16) band 16#7f) bor ((E band 1) bsl 7),
--- 265,271 ----
%% Func: enc_float/2
! enc_float(X, Message) when number(X) ->
{S, E, F} = enc_ieee(X, ?FLOAT_BASE, ?FLOAT_BIAS),
[ (S bsl 7) bor ((E bsr 1) band 16#7f),
((F bsr 16) band 16#7f) bor ((E band 1) bsl 7),
*** 275,281 ****
%% Func: enc_r_float/2
! enc_r_float(X, Message) when float(X) ->
{S, E, F} = enc_ieee(X, ?FLOAT_BASE, ?FLOAT_BIAS),
[ (F band 16#ff),
(F bsr 8) band 16#ff,
--- 275,281 ----
%% Func: enc_r_float/2
! enc_r_float(X, Message) when number(X) ->
{S, E, F} = enc_ieee(X, ?FLOAT_BASE, ?FLOAT_BIAS),
[ (F band 16#ff),
(F bsr 8) band 16#ff,
*** 319,325 ****
%% Func: enc_double/2
! enc_double(X, Message) when float(X) ->
{S, E, F} = enc_ieee(X, ?DOUBLE_BASE, ?DOUBLE_BIAS),
[ (S bsl 7) bor ((E bsr 4) band 16#7f),
((F bsr 48) band 16#0f) bor ((E band 16#f) bsl 4),
--- 319,325 ----
%% Func: enc_double/2
! enc_double(X, Message) when number(X) ->
{S, E, F} = enc_ieee(X, ?DOUBLE_BASE, ?DOUBLE_BIAS),
[ (S bsl 7) bor ((E bsr 4) band 16#7f),
((F bsr 48) band 16#0f) bor ((E band 16#f) bsl 4),
*** 333,339 ****
%% Func: enc_r_double/2
! enc_r_double(X, Message) when float(X) ->
{S, E, F} = enc_ieee(X, ?DOUBLE_BASE, ?DOUBLE_BIAS),
[(F band 16#ff),
(F bsr 8) band 16#ff,
--- 333,339 ----
%% Func: enc_r_double/2
! enc_r_double(X, Message) when number(X) ->
{S, E, F} = enc_ieee(X, ?DOUBLE_BASE, ?DOUBLE_BIAS),
[(F band 16#ff),
(F bsr 8) band 16#ff,
*** cdr_encode.erl 1999/04/16 10:12:17 1.1
--- cdr_encode.erl 1999/04/18 13:16:47 1.3
*** 584,590 ****
%% Func: enc_align/1
enc_align(R, Len, Alignment) ->
! Rem = Len rem Alignment,
if Rem == 0 ->
{R, Len};
true ->
--- 584,592 ----
%% Func: enc_align/1
enc_align(R, Len, Alignment) ->
! Rem = (Len + ?GIOP_HEADER_SIZE) rem Alignment,
if Rem == 0 ->
{R, Len};
true ->
*** cdr_decode.erl 1999/04/18 13:07:17 1.1
--- cdr_decode.erl 1999/04/18 13:17:08 1.3
*** 885,891 ****
%% An aligned byte sequence.
dec_align(R, Len, Alignment) ->
! Rem = Len rem Alignment,
if Rem == 0 ->
{R, Len};
true ->
--- 885,893 ----
%% An aligned byte sequence.
dec_align(R, Len, Alignment) ->
! Rem = (Len + ?GIOP_HEADER_SIZE) rem Alignment,
if Rem == 0 ->
{R, Len};
true ->
*** orber_iiop.hrl 1999/04/18 13:38:52 1.1
--- orber_iiop.hrl 1999/04/18 13:38:58
*** 56,61 ****
--- 56,65 ----
-define(TAG_INTERNET_IOP, 0).
+ %% GIOP header size
+ -define(GIOP_HEADER_SIZE, 12).
%% GIOP Message Header
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