When condition problem (probably newbie question).
Joe Armstrong
Mon Dec 21 10:07:06 CET 1998
> So the resulting code could look like:
> pow(N,0) -> io:write({pow,N,0}), io:nl(), 1;
> pow(N,1) -> N;
> pow(N,M) when M rem 2 == 0 ->
> io:write({powNeven,N,M}), io:nl(),
> X = pow(N,M div 2), X * X;
> pow(N,M) -> % M is odd, > 1
> X = pow(N,M-1),
> X*N.
If you look in http://www.erlang.org/examples/examples-2.0.html
And in http://www.erlang.org/examples/examples-2.0.tgz
You'll find 3 modules:
lin.erl - this contains some simple functions for linear
algebra. (including pow/2)
primes.erl - Contains routines for generating large primes.
rsa_key.erl - Shows how a public key crypto system could have been
implemented in Erlang.
Joe Armstrong Computer Science Laboratory +46 8 719 9452
AT2/ETX/DN/SU Ericsson Telecom SE-126 25 Stockholm Sweden
joe@REDACTED http://www.ericsson.se/cslab/~joe
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