[erlang-patches] EEP Light: Option to override private key lookup when using Erlang ssh client

Vipin Nair swvist@REDACTED
Mon Nov 9 19:58:58 CET 2015

Hello Hans,

> You seem unaware of that both the client and the server get the keys
> from callbacks defined by the ssh_client_key_api and the
> ssh_server_key_api.  The option key_cb defines the module to use for
> ssh:connect or ssh:daemon.
> [.....]
> See
>   http://www.erlang.org/doc/man/ssh_client_key_api.html
>   http://www.erlang.org/doc/man/ssh_server_key_api.html

I am aware of this but it is very limited and will not fit my usecase. Let me
give you an example of my usecase and demonstrate the limitation of the above

I have to connect to hosts `host1` and `host2` as user `foo`. I have the private
key corresponding to each user/host pair in a database. For simplicity sake,
let's assume I can call a named process (PRIV_KEY_SERVER) that will return the
private key data for a particular user/host pair. Something like:

  {ok, PrivKey} = gen_server:call(PRIV_KEY_SERVER, {get_priv_key, User, Host}).

Let's say we have a module(KeyCB below) that implements the ssh_client_key_api.
The definition could look like:

  KeyCB:user_key(Algorithm, ConnectOptions) ->
     {ok, PrivKey} = gen_server:call(PRIV_KEY_SERVER,
                                     {get_priv_key, User, Host}).

This function cannot be implemented because I have no way to get the value of
`Host`. The the ssh:connect/3,4 options that are passed as `ConnectOptions` to
user_key/2 do have that value.


 * I do not have the host name available and since host names need not be unique
   across machines, I have no way to get the private key corresponding to a user
   *and* a particular host from, say, a database.

 * ssh:connect/3,4 validates the connect options so we cannot just add an extra
   {host, "[HOSTNAME]"} to the connect options and get around the above

 * In my opinion, calling a database (or a named process like in the example
   above) from a module implementing ssh_client_key_api creates a high level of
   coupling that I would want to avoid when possible. Pragmatic way to do this
   would be:


   This flows helps with error handling better. Let's say the named process dies
   for some reason, I do not wish to handle those kinds of error in my module
   implementing ssh_client_key_api. I want to keep external (Non SSH) IO


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