[erlang-patches] supervisor has wrong type annotation for sup_name

Tom Wright tom@REDACTED
Wed Jan 15 14:05:42 CET 2014

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[image: Available]Aaron Sokoloski[image: Idle (video enabled)]Adam Kelly
I'm not here right now[image: Idle]ben1[image: Idle (video enabled)]Daniele
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Tethys[image: Idle]Tomer Chachamu[image: Offline]David Lankester[image:
Offline]Joseph Buckley
 == Symptom ==

Dialyzer complains whenever you use 'via' with a supervisor despite it
being supported (both in practice and according to the docs).

http://www.erlang.org/doc/man/supervisor.html: If
SupName={via,Module,Name}the supervisor is registered as
Name using the registry represented by Module

This is still a problem as of release
25237481ccccd3ddfa74582dc267632ad618ba30 at

=== Patch ===

-type sup_name() :: {'local', Name :: atom()} | {'global', Name :: atom()}.


-type sup_name() :: {'local', Name :: atom()} | {'global', Name :: atom()}
| {'via', Module :: atom(), Name :: any() }.

or similar.

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