[erlang-patches] SNMP erlNodeReductions defined too narrow

Stefan Zegenhagen stefan.zegenhagen@REDACTED
Mon Jul 15 16:47:49 CEST 2013

Hi Tobias,

> However, I think extending this and probably some other values to a
> wider type is actually a good thing because providing a value that
> typically overflows within a few hours is quite meaningless. I would
> like to make another patch that actually fixes the problem but I'm not
> sure what the desired behaviour would be for a counter. Should it
> always reflect the highest valid value when overflowing or should it
> start over?

I only know this for network counters. Here the desired behaviour is
that the counter starts again from zero. If someone wants to get
accurate numbers from the device, he has to poll those counters in
regular intervals to detect overflows. The minimum time (in which the
counter can overflow) can easily be calculated from the link speed
(10/100/1000 MBit) here.

This behaviour sounds reasonable for other counters as well, especially
when there's no counter-reset MIB object.

Kind regards,

Dr. Stefan Zegenhagen

arcutronix GmbH
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