[erlang-patches] What's cooking in erlang/otp (2012-08-03)

Henrik Nord henrik@REDACTED
Fri Aug 3 14:57:57 CEST 2012

[Graduated to Master]

* jv/filelib_recursion_wildcard (stdlib) (2012-02-20) 1 commit
 . Allow ** in filelib:wildcard (964649b)


* at/fix_asn1_typo (asn1) (2012-05-17) 1 commit
 + Fix typo error in selected decode function (24367b7)

* dc/dch-fix-win32-escript (erts) (2011-11-25) 1 commit
 + add escript win32 alternative invocation (thanks Pierre Rouleau) (a50b285)

* jc/omit-undefined-start_phases () (2012-01-13) 0 commits

* jn/inets_sup_start_link (inets) (2012-03-05) 1 commit
 + Add inets_sup:start_link/0 (7b9b7c1)

* jv/forms-source (compiler) (2012-03-23) 1 commit
 + Allow the source to be set when compiling forms (2d785c0)

* jv/on_load_docs (otp) (2012-02-20) 2 commits
 + Fix a typo on documentation. desciption -> description. (4bbff5f)
 + Mention on_load on module attributes section. (645e39f)

* ks/compile_info-fix (compiler, hipe) (2012-01-16) 1 commit
 + Fix discrepancy in compile_info (34f7610)

* mh/create_cookie_error_msg (kernel) (2011-09-15) 1 commit
 + Specify file name and error on create_cookie failure (9319587)

* mh/remove-compilation-error-regexp (tools) (2012-06-08) 1 commit
 + Remove Erlang-specific compilation error regexp (a87a969)

* mpe/hipe_arm-remove-dead-code () (2012-05-09) 0 commits

* ms/correct-formating-in-exit (erts, kernel, runtime_tools) (2012-05-08) 1 commit
 + Correct formating in exit error messages (408e776)

* ph/fix_enfile () (2012-01-04) 0 commits

* ps/inet6-less-build-fix (erts) (2012-02-15) 1 commit
 + Add missing HAVE_IN6 && AF_INET6 ifdef (4f3dd18)

* rj/add-space-spec_proc-doc (otp) (2012-02-14) 1 commit
 + Add missing white space in Special Process doc (ab83345)

* rj/fix-eprof-doc (tools) (2012-06-01) 1 commit
 + Fix nonsense of eprof doc (0c01a34)

* rj/fix-et-doc (et) (2012-06-05) 1 commit
 + Fix typo in ET doc (80b57b1)

* rj/fix-gen_udp_tcp-leak () (2012-02-04) 0 commits

* rj/fix-misc-doc-typos (otp, stdlib) (2012-02-15) 1 commit
 + Fix a code snippet and two typos in the doc (67c16b4)

* ja/jl-httpc-doc-elaborate (inets) (2012-06-08) 1 commit
 . Elaborate on timeouts in the httpc documentation (1bc041b)

* pg/ssl_dist-fixes (ssl) (2012-01-16) 1 commit
 . Robustness and improvement to distribution over SSL (71e9aa2)

* sa/dialyzer-contract-variables (dialyzer, hipe) (2012-04-23) 3 commits
 + Correct handling of type names in contracts (56e3930)
 + Don't rewrite unchanged PLT (3ab2dd6)
 + Fix crash related to contract checking (20412ad)

* sa/dialyzer-parallel (dialyzer, erts, typer) (2012-03-28) 54 commits
 + Logfile-like statistics (enabled with --resources) (49c6574)
 + Anonymous SCCtoPID ETS table (12b8ce0)
 + Anonymous time server (5c52ff6)
 + Regulate all kinds of running workers up to the number of schedulers (720b65d)
 + Relocate start and stop of timing server (4e1ed3a)
 + Better names for callgaph ETS tables (24c2c72)
 + Remove needless conversion (d24d65f)
 + Fix types and specs (76b7c72)
 + Inline a function in dialyzer_worker (19f4b40)
 + Remove unused function (4920bb6)
 + Change --time to --statistics and include more info (4a1fa04)
 + Better reflect side-effect based code in dialyzer_callgraph (49ccc5d)

* slf/dtrace-nif-N-probes (runtime_tools) (2012-05-08) 2 commits
 + Remove crufty scaffolding code (978cdb3)
 + Add 1024 separate USDT probes to dyntrace.erl and dyntrace.c (44c68a7)

* slf/dyntrace-comment-and-func-cleanup (runtime_tools) (2012-04-02) 1 commit
 + dyntrace.erl comment cleanup and unused function removal (78b3cb7)

* sz/dtrace-message-send-fix (erts) (2012-05-09) 1 commit
 + DTrace bug in message-send (d032e09)

* ta/docs-maint (common_test, erts, otp) (2012-01-07) 3 commits
 + Fix typos in ct getting_started_chapter.xml (1eca92e)
 + Fix typos in driver.xml and erl_driver.xml (1588a1d)
 + Fix typos in INSTALL-WIN32.md (7cdb7fe)

* ta/prim_archive-reloading (erts, kernel, stdlib) (2011-10-19) 2 commits
 + escript_SUITE: remove gratuitous space (7875e98)
 + [erts,kernel,stdlib] fix escript/primary archive reloading (449a093)

* tab/fix-indentation-records-emacs (tools) (2012-02-11) 1 commit
 + Fix indentation of record fields in Emacs (ad5f78a)

* tc/rpc-call-fix (kernel) (2012-05-02) 1 commit
 + Fix rpc:call/5 for local calls with a finite Timeout (b991b99)

* ts/no_hipe_ceach (hipe) (2012-01-01) 1 commit
 + Remove hipe_ceach from hipe.app.src to fix reltool-generated release startup (27d83b0)

* ud/fix-return-do_get_disc_copy2 (mnesia) (2011-09-16) 1 commit
 + Fixes value returned by mnesia_loader:do_get_disc_copy2/4 (a85fe55)

* uw/extending_gen (stdlib) (2011-01-17) 1 commit

 + Add plugin support for alternative name lookup (b042673)
* ta/archive-script (erts, stdlib) (2012-05-01) 3 commits
 . escript: add test for ./archive_script workarounds (269778a)
 . erts: work around prim archive list_dir error (Co-Authored-by: Shunichi Shinohara) (0766132)
 . erts: work around prim archive read_file_info error (Co-Authored-by: Tuncer Ayaz) (87f6c54)

* slf/dtrace (Makefile
, dtrace, erts, kernel, otp) (2011-11-17) 4 commits
 . Add DTrace support for OS X, Solaris, and Linux (via SystemTap), 4/4 (2913fb9)
 . Add DTrace support for OS X, Solaris, and Linux (via SystemTap), 3/4 (ccf25b8)
 . Add DTrace support for OS X, Solaris, and Linux (via SystemTap), 2/4 (6bf92ea)
 . Add DTrace support for OS X, Solaris, and Linux (via SystemTap), 1/4 (538fee7)

* ta/docs15 (common_test, erts, otp) (2012-01-07) 3 commits
 . Fix typos in ct getting_started_chapter.xml (e3c347c)
 . Fix typos in driver.xml and erl_driver.xml (4136021)
 . Fix typos in INSTALL-WIN32.md (1392462)

[New topics]


* bg/temp-hipe-fixes (compiler, kernel) (2010-03-15) 5 commits
 - Avoid crash by skipping compilation_SUITE:on_load/1 (497eae8)
 - Inline less aggressively for native-code compilation (5a5fffe)
 - seq_trace_SUITE: Don't native-compile (cac1991)
 - Disable native code if on_load is used (7c3d056)
 - andor_SUITE: Don't native-compile (8c513a4)

This branch contains temporary workarounds to avoid failing test
cases and is never intended to graduate.

* cv/update-localtime-configuration (erts) (2011-11-18) 1 commit
 . erts: Fix localtime BIFs does not update system timezone configuration (c14ba7b)

Action expected from: Topic author

* fm/posix-fallocate (erts, kernel) (2010-12-28) 1 commit
 . Added file:allocate/2 (7b39f0f)

Action expected from: Topic author

* mh/run_erl-exit-status (erts) (2011-11-29) 1 commit
 . run_erl.c: propagate exit status from child process (bd15706)

Action expected from: Topic author


* hw/asn1rt_check-transform (asn1) (2011-10-15) 1 commit
 - asn1rt_check: Fix transform_to_EXTERNAL1990 for binary input (6a69602)

* mp/fix-assembler-comment-char-for-hipe-ppc (erts) (2012-01-17) 1 commit
 - Fix assembler comment character for hipe on ppc (17ab3d9)

* mz/odbc-support-param_query (odbc) (2011-12-19) 1 commit
 - Add support for NULL value in odbc:param_query (c6e01fe)

* tab/fix-sctp-multihoming-IPv6 (erts, kernel) (2012-05-10) 4 commits
 - Allow mixed IPv4 and IPv6 addresses to sctp_bindx (4552cb6)
 - Add checks for in6addr_any and in6addr_loopback (c8ccd95)
 - Fix SCTP multihoming (e87b966)
 - inet_drv.c: Set sockaddr lengths in inet_set_[f]address (6d464a1)

* tp/supervisor-pass-on-errors (sasl, stdlib) (2012-07-22) 2 commits
 - Have supervisor send errors up the chain (16d298e)
 - Test supervisor pass through error (a9e03ff)

* af/feature-crypto-ripemd160 (crypto) (2012-07-27) 1 commit
 - Add RIPEMD-160 hash function(s) to the crypto module (eff7eea)

* bp/fix_mnesia_index_drop (mnesia) (2012-06-18) 2 commits
 - Prevent index from being corrupted if a nonexistent item is deleted (0fcdb6f)
 - Add tests showing that trying to delete non-existing object may corrupt the table index (8490cb63)

* fma/gb_difference (stdlib) (2012-04-11) 4 commits
 - andalso, not and (cb368d0)
 - No need to qualify the function (6da0bd0)
 - gb_sets:fold/3, not lists:foldl/3. (3d3538d)
 - Sane gb_sets:difference/2 and gb_sets:is_subset/2 (fe3f833)

* gp/make_erlang_mode_elpa_friendly (tools) (2012-02-14) 1 commit
 - Make erlang-mode more compatible with package.el (59d3e59)

* hm/wx-silent_start (wx) (2012-06-12) 1 commit
 - Enable silent start of wx (571ba06)

* jkl/erlsrv-graceful-shutdown (erts) (2012-07-31) 1 commit
 - erlsrv: gracefully stop emulator on Windows shutdown (0398508)

* jkl/fix-filename-nativename (stdlib) (2012-06-23) 2 commits
 - Fix filename:nativename/1 on Win32 (6a22e6b)
 - Add filename:nativename/1 binary argument test to suite (f2b8bdc)

* kr/r15_ssh_test_ipv6_fix (ssh) (2012-06-25) 1 commit
 - Fix lib/src/test/ssh_basic_SUITE.erl to fix IPv6 option typos (a33b8c3)

* mh/doc-now-vs-timestamp (erts) (2012-07-25) 1 commit
 - Doc fix: link from erlang:now/0 to os:timestamp/0 (6c6e745)

* mpe/hipe_arm-fix-compile-warning (erts) (2012-05-08) 1 commit
 - hipe_arm.c: remove dead code (d05d8e4)

* msp/double_middle_endian (erl_interface, erts, odbc, otp, wx) (2012-07-20) 3 commits
 - Revise the autoconf tests for double middle endianness. (eba4d24)
 - Add test for floating-point output to float_SUITE. (cab9edd)
 - Unbreak floating point on middle-endian machines. (933e701)

* nk/jinterface-fix_compressed_binary (jinterface) (2012-06-12) 2 commits
 - add (de)compress roundtrip tests with larger values (a835771)
 - fix reading compressed binary terms from Java (a963b81)

* nox/compile-column-numbers (compiler, stdlib) (2012-06-10) 7 commits
 - Fix messages ordering with column numbers (d932ad5)
 - Fix type compile:err_info/0 (198ef4b)
 - Test column number reporting in error_SUITE (c98bc0e)
 - Fix printing of errors with column numbers (5af6bd4)
 - Create a new "column" option in compile (f6dc9c0)
 - Allow setting of initial position in epp (26ad68f)
 - Export type erl_scan:location/0 (78553dc)

* pg/fix-zip-multidisk (stdlib) (2012-06-18) 1 commit
 - Fix bug where zip archives wrongly have a first disk number set to 1 (da11eb7)

* pgö/escape-control-chars-tv (observer) (2012-06-14) 3 commits
 - Fix Table Viewer search crash on new|changed|deleted rows (5d299de)
 - Escape control characters in Table Viewer (f530bdb)
 - Fix Table Viewer crash after a 'Found' -> 'Not found' search sequence (12db9a2)

* pgö/observer-edit-table-row (observer) (2012-06-29) 2 commits
 - Make Table Viewer search a bit faster (913aba2)
 - Edit table row in a multiline text dialog (e223525)

* psi/fix-clever-mktime (erts) (2012-07-14) 1 commit
 - Fix use of "clever" mktime (99f6356)

* psi/fix-leap-seconds (erts) (2012-07-14) 1 commit
 - Fix support for leap seconds-aware timezones (9043843)

* rc/fix-MP-compiler-flag (compiler, erts) (2012-03-08) 1 commit
 - Fix the erlc -MP flag (6dc4227)

* sal/float_to_list_2 (erts, hipe, stdlib) (2012-05-24) 2 commits
 - Added type definition for float_to_list/2 (f9ddbed)
 - Implement float_to_list/2 accepting a list of formatting options (9fdc4af)

* ssh/ssl_connection-handle_alert (ssl) (2012-08-03) 1 commit
 - fix bug in ssl_connection (d78a157)

* sze/improve-interoperability-SSH-clients (ssh) (2012-07-20) 1 commit
 - Improve interoperability with SSH clients (9a73dd6)

* sze/snmp_generic-split_index (snmp) (2012-07-04) 1 commit
 - fix snmp_generic:split_index_to_keys/2 (8f1a00e)

* sze/ssh-auth_methods (ssh) (2012-08-01) 1 commit
 - SSH: Make "auth_methods" server option re-usable (d808864)

* sze/usmUserTable (snmp) (2012-07-23) 1 commit
 - semantic fixes to SNMP-USER-BASED-SM_MIB (dd34659)

* sze/vacmAccessTable (snmp) (2012-07-31) 1 commit
 - fix walk over vacmAccessTable (b0f5251)

* sze/vacmAccessTable-RowStatus-handling (snmp) (2012-07-31) 1 commit
 - Errors in vacmAccessTable RowStatus handling (a75ecd1)

* sze/verify-tabe-row-index (snmp) (2012-07-04) 1 commit
 - verify table row index constraints in SNMP set requests (031bbaf)

* ta/docsmaint (common_test, compiler, erts, inets, kernel, reltool, ssl, tools) (2012-04-10) 2 commits
 - Fix various doc typos for R15B02 (541e986)
 - Fix various code typos for R15B02 (8af5bd5)

* ta/observer-app (observer) (2012-07-03) 1 commit
 - observer: fix app file (Noticed-by: Motiejus Jakstys) (d763d58)

* tja/fix-base (compiler) (2012-08-02) 1 commit
 - sys_pre_expand: Fix BASE never being set (18943e7)

* uw/release_handler-find_script (sasl) (2012-05-01) 1 commit
 - release_handler:find_script/4 to use 're' matching in .appup scripts (4752892)

* bm/ssl_npn (ssl) (2011-12-10) 2 commits
 . Update SSL docs for SSL Next Protocol Support (4d2ba8b)
 . Support for SSL Next Protocol Negotiation * http://technotes.googlecode.com/git/nextprotoneg.html (1173de0)


* jf/fix_sctp_peeloff_active_true (erts) (2012-07-20) 1 commit
 . Set new peeled off SCTP socket to nonblocking socket (7adbaf8)

* bd/odbc_extended_errors (odbc) (2012-07-25) 1 commit
 . Add extended_errors option to ODBC (b8143e9)

* jh/incomplete_packet_asn1 (asn1) (2012-07-24) 5 commits
 . Add a test case for {error, incomplete} (0cd2ad0)
 . Update documentation (8fb53cb)
 . Add case clause for {error, incomplete} in per encode modules (ab678b9)
 . Fix bug when undec-rest option is false (010bb43)
 . Modify asn1 generated decode/2 functions to return {error,incomplete} (ee95fc8)

* rc/break-out-asserts (eunit, stdlib) (2012-05-19) 1 commit
 . Break out the assert macros in eunit.hrl to stdlib/include/assert.hrl (a5ecb2d)

* ta/docsmaster (erts, otp) (2012-07-20) 2 commits
 . Fix various typos in HOWTO/ for R16 (bffc0a7)
 . Fix various comment typos for R16 (ad8e903)

* vs/re_back_reference (stdlib) (2012-04-04) 1 commit
 . extend re back reference syntax with \g escape sequence (264e667)

* wc/bind_port_to_scheduler (erts) (2012-07-06) 2 commits
 . Bind port to owner process's scheduler if owner is bound to a scheduler (787ff90)
 . Change pollset implementation to use one pollset for each scheduler (121afd0)

* wc/pollset_per_scheduler (erts) (2012-07-06) 1 commit
 . Change pollset implementation to use one pollset for each scheduler (121afd0)

Under consideration


* bi/ssh_cli-tty_geometry (ssh) (2012-05-04) 1 commit
 . Fix 2 second delay after eval in shell running under ssh_cli (2a5ef29)

More of a quickfix, Dropped untill a proper fix is submitted.

* bw/efile_exists (erts) (2010-10-07) 1 commit
 . prim_file:exists/{1,2} which is lightweight file existence check (2759905)


* fma/gb-delete_any (stdlib) (2012-06-18) 6 commits
 . Using exceptions in deletions for gb_{sets,trees} when key is missing (da626bd)
 . Merge branch 'master' into gb_delete_any (3b19930)
 . Fix gb_sets:delete_1/2 (92930ec)
 . Consistent naming in gb_sets and gb_trees (8b79bfe)
 . Fix gb_trees:delete_1/2, syntax fix in gb_sets (1a15a7f)
 . Fixed gb_{sets,trees}:delete_any/2 to traverse the tree once (abab896)

Rejected breaks the documentation which says that it does nothing if the key is not present.

* mh/eunit_surefire-fixture-errors (eunit) (2011-03-10) 1 commit
 . Include fixture setup and cleanup errors in Eunit Surefire report (7425075)

included by Richard Carlsson

* ms/epmd-IPv6-node-reg (erts, kernel) (2011-06-03) 1 commit
 . epmd: support IPv6 node registration (5523b21)

Crashing windows, no action taken

* pg/add-os-pid-to-port-info (dialyzer, erts, hipe) (2010-08-19) 1 commit
 . Extend erlang:port_info/1,2 to show the OS pid of a spawned process (336d1d1)

Fixed in another way by OTP

* rc/mnesia-lock-conflict-events (mnesia) (2011-11-28) 1 commit
 . Generate mnesia events for conflicting locks (f4d94ae)

Not wanted by OTP

* wc/fix-eunit-print-stacktrace (eunit) (2011-11-02) 1 commit
 . fix eunit to print stacktrace correctly if test cases throw any exception (73b94a9)
Fixed by Richard Carlsson in another branch

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