[PATCH] Add options -pa Dir and -pz Dir to TypEr

Tomas Abrahamsson tomas.abrahamsson@REDACTED
Sun Mar 20 17:14:37 CET 2011

Setting code path options is useful e.g. when analyzing programs that
use parse transforms.
 lib/typer/src/typer.erl |   14 +++++++++++++-
 1 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/typer/src/typer.erl b/lib/typer/src/typer.erl
index fc8caa4..424472f 100644
--- a/lib/typer/src/typer.erl
+++ b/lib/typer/src/typer.erl
@@ -628,6 +628,8 @@ cl(["-T"|Opts]) ->
 cl(["-r"|Opts]) ->
   {Files, RestOpts} = dialyzer_cl_parse:collect_args(Opts),
   {{files_r, Files}, RestOpts};
+cl(["-pa",Dir|Opts]) -> {{pa,Dir}, Opts};
+cl(["-pz",Dir|Opts]) -> {{pz,Dir}, Opts};
 cl(["-"++H|_]) -> fatal_error("unknown option -"++H);
 cl(Opts) -> 
   {Files, RestOpts} = dialyzer_cl_parse:collect_args(Opts),
@@ -672,7 +674,13 @@ analyze_result({plt, Plt}, Args, Analysis) ->
 analyze_result(show_succ, Args, Analysis) ->
   {Args, Analysis#analysis{show_succ = true}};
 analyze_result(no_spec, Args, Analysis) ->
-  {Args, Analysis#analysis{no_spec = true}}.
+  {Args, Analysis#analysis{no_spec = true}};
+analyze_result({pa, Dir}, Args, Analysis) ->
+  code:add_patha(Dir),
+  {Args, Analysis};
+analyze_result({pz, Dir}, Args, Analysis) ->
+  code:add_pathz(Dir),
+  {Args, Analysis}.
 %% File processing.
@@ -1039,6 +1047,10 @@ help_message() ->
    -I include_dir
        pass the include_dir to TypEr
        (The syntax of includes is the same as that used by \"erlc\".)
+   -pa dir
+   -pz dir
+       Set code path options to TypEr
+       (This is useful for files that use parse tranforms.)
    --version (or -v)
        prints the Typer version and exits
    --help (or -h)

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