What's cooking in erlang/otp (2011-02-04)

Niclas Axelsson burbas@REDACTED
Fri Feb 4 18:11:59 CET 2011


* ks/bs_add-fail-labels (hipe) (2011-02-03) 1 commit
 + Fix translation of bs_add's fail labels (64c8d86)

* ks/bs_start_match-fails (hipe) (2011-01-06) 1 commit
 + Fix erroneous fail info of a hipe_bs_primop (1791b2d)

* uw/xmerl-expand-simple (xmerl) (2010-10-25) 1 commit
 + Track parents when expanding #xmlElement records (4e28e50)

[New topics]

* fd/supervisor-delete-child-spec-on-child-termination (stdlib) (2011-01-19) 1 commit
 - Added supervisor:start_child/3 (bdf27ab)

* gl/gen_server-doc (erts, otp, xmerl) (2011-01-29) 6 commits
 - Update Handling Other Messages section in gen_server, gen_fsm, gen_events overviews (c1a9537)
 - Support more top-level primary expressions (0f19985)
 - Set `vsn` field in `#xmlDecl` record (29017b4)
 - Track parents in `#xmlPI` nodes (b265acb)
 - Fix namespace-conformance constraints (7452055)
 - Add back documentation on .erlang processing. (0db8fad)

* hw/erl-clarify-detached-doc (erts) (2011-01-24) 1 commit
 - Mention that "-detached" implies "-noinput" (98e954d)

* ja/cocci-useless-cast (erts) (2011-02-01) 1 commit
 - Remove useless casts from the emulator (4163493)

* ks/code-spec-fixes (hipe, kernel) (2011-01-30) 1 commit
 - Sanitize the specs of the code module (2697ce8)

* ks/dialyzer-fullpath (dialyzer) (2011-01-20) 1 commit
 - Add a --fullpath option to Dialyzer (b4c3711)

* ks/hipe-icode-range-fix (hipe, xmerl) (2011-02-02) 3 commits
 - Fix bug in the simplification of inexact comparisons (5fe3efd)
 - Various cleanups and cosmetic changes (235ce15)
 - Track parents when expanding #xmlElement records (d8269b6)

* ms/ei-buffer-overflow-when-decoding-atoms (erl_interface) (2011-01-23) 1 commit
 - ei: buffer overflow when decoding atoms (caba1ef)

* ms/ei-fix-buffer-overflows (erl_interface) (2011-01-23) 1 commit
 - erl_interface: fix buffer overflows (ce7fa36)

* ms/file-fix-hang-reading-compressed-files (erts, kernel) (2011-01-30) 1 commit
 - file: fix hang reading compressed files (292ecd0)

* pg/hipe-remove-constants-pool (erts) (2011-01-29) 1 commit
 - Remove hipe constants pool (0c16b09)

* ta/binary-part-typo (stdlib) (2011-01-22) 1 commit
 - Fix typo in binary:part/2 example (98f51f2)

* ta/efficiencyguide-typos (otp) (2011-01-27) 1 commit
 - Fix typos in efficiency guide (5d62504)

* ta/erts-doc (erts) (2011-02-01) 1 commit
 - erts: Fix doc typos, duplication and readability (87d2d2b)

* tv/edoc-loop-fix (edoc) (2011-02-01) 1 commit
 - Fix infinite loop for malformed edoc input (6ac05e5)

* uw/mnesia-majority (mnesia) (2011-01-30) 8 commits
 - Add documentation text about majority checking (f5b8427)
 - add mnesia_majority_test suite (9c2f765)
 - where_to_wlock optimization + change_table_majority/2 (a535b6c)
 - bug in mnesia_tm:needs_majority/2 (eb81e20)
 - optimize sticky_lock maj. check (5b304d4)
 - check majority for sticky locks (ae9e1fa)
 - Write locks now check majority when needed. (6f02d2e)
 - Add {majority, boolean()} per-table option. (c3241c0)

* vb/shell (erts, kernel, stdlib) (2011-01-21) 6 commits
 - Add expandfmt_fun option for io:setopts (f139eab)
 - Correct JCL's help indentation (95672fa)
 - Handle JCL's "r" command error when no pool started (ba4b196)
 - Fix tab expansion in remote shell (e2077cb)
 - edlin_expand: fix matches formatting (838b84a)
 - Take into account arity len when calculating field's width (ff28c52)


* jn/gen_stream (stdlib) (2011-01-31) 1 commit
 - Add gen_stream behaviour (a2423e4)

 . Add new gen_stream behaviour for efficiently consuming serial streams (65f3db8)

This topic branch has a failing test case:

    We have now tested with and without this topic branch and when
    it is present that test case fails. We consider it proved
    to be guilty. The test case does not fail when run standalone
    so it seems to be tricky... Also, some of its own test cases
    fail sporadicly.

Action expected from: Topic author.

* jp/dependencies_makefile (compiler, erts) (2009-12-14) 1 commit
 - Add dependencies Makefile generation to erlc(1) and compile(3) (4945add)

Approved in principle by the OTP Technical Board; now awaits a closer
review of the implementation.

Action expected from: Björn Gustavsson (the reviewer)


* bg/temp-hipe-fixes (compiler, hipe, kernel) (2010-03-15) 6 commits
 - Avoid crash by skipping compilation_SUITE:on_load/1 (8592a02)
 - Inline less aggressively for native-code compilation (e699ad4)
 - Crudely fix return type for the lists:key{search,find,member}/3 (2b72202)
 - seq_trace_SUITE: Don't native-compile (2712344)
 - Disable native code if on_load is used (e8d0ea4)
 - andor_SUITE: Don't native-compile (e25ef8c)

This branch contains temporary workarounds to avoid failing test
cases and is never intended to graduate.

* bsmr/fix-makefile-in-for-xref-mod-app-escript (otp) (2010-12-10) 1 commit
 - Fix for Makefile.in invoking xref_mod_app.escript (10d4235)

* bw/efile_exists (erts) (2010-10-07) 1 commit
 - prim_file:exists/{1,2} which is lightweight file existence check (7203932)

* bw/tv-render-fix (tv) (2010-10-06) 1 commit
 - tv: Allow table viewer to display refs, ports and small binaries (5eff630)

* cg/fix-prng (stdlib) (2010-10-06) 1 commit
 - Fix a bug in the implementation of the pseudo-random number generator (863ec4d)

* cr/httpc-docs (inets, kernel) (2010-12-15) 1 commit
 - inets/httpc: Polish documentation (e6180a6)

* dk/agent-capabilities (snmp) (2010-12-01) 1 commit
 - AGENT-CAPABILITIES handling added to SNMP mib compiler (17c3b19)

* fd/httpc-man-page-fixes (inets) (2010-12-16) 1 commit
 - Grammar and typo fixes for the httpc module documentation (778a608)

* fd/unix-efile-readdir-fix (erts) (2010-12-15) 1 commit
 - Fix call to strncat, 3rd arg should be of type size_t and not a pointer (78cfdaf)

* fm/dict-man-page (stdlib) (2010-12-13) 2 commits
 - Fixes to the orddict module documentation (18777e8)
 - Fixes to the dict module documentation (c537777)

* fm/httpc-upload-body-streaming (inets) (2010-12-01) 1 commit
 - httpc: added support for streaming the body of an upload request (PUT or POST). Examples: (6ec259d)

* fm/posix-fallocate (erts, kernel) (2011-01-10) 2 commits
 - Fix build on Solaris (38a922d)
 - Added file:allocate/2 (9870d9b)

* gc/gen-format-status-improvements (stdlib) (2010-06-12) 1 commit
 - Fix format_status bug for unregistered gen_event processes (95ed86f)

* gl/erts-doterlang-docs (erts) (2010-12-19) 1 commit
 - Add back documentation on .erlang processing. (a80ace9)

* hw/call-chmod-without-f (asn1, common_test, compiler, cosFileTransfer, crypto, debugger, docbuilder, edoc, erl_interface, erts, et, inets, inviso, kernel, megaco, mnesia, orber, parsetools, percept, public_key, reltool, runtime_tools, snmp, ssl, stdlib, syntax_tools, test_server, tools) (2010-11-15) 1 commit
 - Call chmod without the "-f" flag (7ed11a8)

* hw/epmd-bind-to-address (erts) (2010-11-10) 1 commit
 - Allow user to specify the IP address epmd binds to (bcf3b3d)

* hw/fix-epmd-perror (erts) (2010-11-13) 1 commit
 - Fix epmd's dbg_perror() output (b363d7d)

* ih/calendar-iso-8601-erl (stdlib) (2010-12-14) 1 commit
 - Add ISO week number calculation functions to the calendar module in stdlib (d82b0eb)

* jf/run_erl-disable-flow-control (erts) (2010-03-05) 1 commit
 - Teach run_erl RUN_ERL_DISABLE_FLOWCNTRL for disabling flow control (d0775cd)

* km/pool_connect-to-running-nodes (stdlib) (2010-09-02) 1 commit
 - Change pool module to attempt to attach to nodes that are already running (a9f4cbc)

* ks/asn1-dialyzer-fixes (asn1) (2010-11-18) 1 commit
 - Shut off some dialyzer warnings (508a6d2)

* ks/reltool-spec-fixes (reltool) (2011-01-12) 1 commit
 - Fix two erroneous specs of reltool.erl (96c81d6)

* mk/net-kernel-epmd-return-list (kernel) (2010-12-10) 1 commit
 - Fix list returned by net_kernel:epmd_module (169d7e4)

* ms/epmd-local-access-check (erts) (2010-11-24) 1 commit
 - epmd: include host address in local access check (5b68030)

* nox/xmerl-namespace-axis (xmerl) (2010-12-07) 12 commits
 - Implement namespace axis (27d791f)
 - Add `#xmlPI` support to xmerl_xpath:write_node/1 (75e67f5)
 - Fix processing-instruction(name?) (f05e78b)
 - Fix path filters (610df56)
 - Support more top-level primary expressions (770d6d9)
 - Accumulate comments in element nodes (e5b6b3a)
 - Add `default_attrs` option (18584c5)
 - Allow whole documents to be returned (aef3dea)
 - Track parents and namespace in `#xmlAttribute` nodes (dc9b220)
 - Track parents in `#xmlPI` nodes (5095331)
 - Set `vsn` field in `#xmlDecl` record (d712331)
 - Fix namespace-conformance constraints (e062270)

* pg/des-cfb-functions (crypto) (2010-10-16) 1 commit
 - Add DES and Triple DES cipher feedback (CFB) mode functions (2c79ae7)

* pg/fix-hibernate-with-hipe (erts, otp) (2010-09-27) 1 commit
 - Fix several bugs related to hibernate/3 and HiPE (ce00ecb)

 . Fix several bugs related to hibernate/3 and HiPE (babd761)

* pg/honor-start-type-in-rel-files (sasl) (2010-06-06) 1 commit
 - Honor start type in .rel files when building relup files (7599900)

* sa/callback-attr (compiler, inets, kernel, otp, stdlib) (2010-06-08) 7 commits
 - Add callback specs into 'application' module in kernel (85ae9d7)
 - Add callback specs to tftp module following internet documentation (019e6d1)
 - Add callback specs to inets_service module following possibly deprecated comments (575c7af)
 - Add '-callback' attributes in stdlib's behaviours (a9da5cc)
 - Update primary bootstrap (d5d255b)
 - Automatically generate 'behaviour_info' function from '-callback' attributes (1155c86)
 - Add '-callback' attribute to language syntax (1a1cc4b)

* sa/dialyzer-fix-guards (dialyzer) (2011-01-14) 3 commits
 - Fix warnings about guards containing not (271ee93)
 - Fix errors in the handling of 'and'/'or' guards (02e0f98)
 - Cosmetic changes (326ec4e)

* sa/float_to_list_2 (erts, stdlib) (2011-01-12) 1 commit
 - new float_to_list/2 (3beeabd)

* sb/make-files-like-erlc (tools) (2010-05-18) 1 commit
 - Change make:files to behave more like erlc (5e9d051)

* sg/fix-diskless-booted-relup (sasl) (2010-09-19) 1 commit
 - Remove traces of release_handler reading from filesystem when it has Masters list (54cb5df)

* ta/asn1-reporting (asn1) (2010-04-23) 1 commit
 - asn1ct: Make formatting of errors and warnings consistent (93face2)

* ta/driver-entry-typos (erts) (2010-12-26) 1 commit
 - Fix a couple typos in driver_entry(3) (08edf97)

* ta/ensure-dot-ssh-exists (ssh) (2010-09-02) 1 commit
 - ssh: ensure ~/.ssh exists (2c14d90)

* ta/epmd-typo (erts) (2011-01-09) 1 commit
 - Fix typo in epmd help (ce956a8)

* ta/erlsrv-typos (erts) (2010-12-14) 1 commit
 - Fix two typos in erlsrv log messages (31b82e8)

* ta/httpc-typo (inets) (2011-01-09) 1 commit
 - Fix typo in httpc documentation (e331e0d)

* ta/sendfile (erts, kernel) (2011-01-13) 1 commit
 - Implement file:sendfile (b68ee2b)

* ta/ssh-ensure-userdir (ssh) (2010-09-02) 1 commit
 - ssh: ensure ~/.ssh exists (267b3a0)

* ts/cover-with-export_all (tools) (2010-09-23) 1 commit
 - add user specified compiler options on form reloading (eb02beb)


* mh/dialyzer-full-path-option (dialyzer) (2010-09-15) 1 commit
 . Dialyzer: add --fullpath option for printing full paths in warnings (3703ea6)

* ml/add-os-pid-to-port-info (erts) (2010-08-19) 1 commit
 . Extend erlang:port_info/1,2 to show the OS pid of a spawned process (b2d85bf)

* ml/better-error-message-on-shell-input-eof (stdlib) (2010-12-12) 1 commit
 . Be more helpful when the shell encounters EOF (b2315b0)

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