Possible BEAM compiler patch

Martti Kuparinen martti.kuparinen@REDACTED
Thu Jun 24 12:49:52 CEST 2010


The NetBSD pkgsrc has this patch (pkgsrc/lang/erlang/patches/patch-ah)

--- lib/compiler/src/v3_codegen.erl.orig        2008-02-05
08:37:35.000000000 -0
+++ lib/compiler/src/v3_codegen.erl
@@ -1481,6 +1481,8 @@ cg_binary_size_1([], Bits, Acc) ->
     Sizes = filter(fun({_,{integer,0}}) -> false;
                      (_) -> true end, Sizes0),
     case Sizes of
+       [] ->
+           {bs_init2,[{integer,0}]};
        [{1,_}|_] ->
            {bs_init_bits,cg_binary_bytes_to_bits(Sizes, [])};
        [{8,_}|_] ->

but I don't know it that makes any sense or not. Could someone from the
compiler team look at this and say if I should nuke this or submit a
proper patch request so it can be included in the pu branch...


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