<div dir="ltr"><dl><dt><strong><a name="+swct"><span class=""></span></a></strong></dt><dt>The erl documentation (<a href="http://www.erlang.org/doc/man/erl.html">http://www.erlang.org/doc/man/erl.html</a>) currently says:</dt>
<dt><strong><span class=""></span></strong></dt><dt><br><strong><span class=""></span></strong></dt><dt><strong><span class="">+sws very_eager|eager|medium|lazy|very_lazy</span></strong></dt><dd>
Set scheduler wake cleanup threshold. Default is <span class="">medium</span>.
This flag controls how eager schedulers should be requesting
wake up due to certain cleanup operations. When a lazy setting
is used, more outstanding cleanup operations can be left undone
while a scheduler is idling. When an eager setting is used,
schedulers will more frequently be woken, potentially increasing
<p><strong>NOTE:</strong> This flag may be removed or changed at any time without prior notice.
</dd><dt><strong><span class="">+sws default|legacy</span></strong></dt><dd>
Set scheduler wakeup strategy. Default strategy changed in erts-5.10/OTP-R16A. This strategy was previously known as <span class="">proposal</span> in OTP-R15. The <span class="">legacy</span> strategy was used as default from R13 up to and including R15.
<p><strong>NOTE:</strong> This flag may be removed or changed at any time without prior notice.
</dd></dl><div><br>I think that the first of these should be +swct (which was first mentioned in the R16B01 release notes).<br></div><div><br> /Richard<br><br></div>