I've some code like this.<br><br>-module(test).<br>
-spec my_apply(Arg,fun((Arg) -> Result)) -> Result.<br>
my_apply(Arg,Fun) -><br>
-spec my_fun(good) -> ok<br>
; (bad) -> error.<br>
my_fun(good) -> ok;<br>
my_fun(bad) -> error.<br>
test(A) -><br>
my_apply(A,fun my_fun/1).<br>
<br><br>And i whan't Dialyzer valid the A param in test/1 function,<br>but Typer generates this spec:<br><br>-spec test(_) -> any().<br><br>But valid is<br><br>-spec test(good) -> ok<br>
; (bad) -> error.<br><br>I don't whant to write spec for functions like test/1 each time i use my_apply/2.<br><span id="result_box" class="short_text" lang="en"><span class="hps">How to help</span> <span class="hps">the dialyzer with</span> <span class="hps">type inference</span><span>?</span></span><br>