Running this simple process on a mac:<br><br>-module(tester).<br>-compile(export_all).<br><br>t(1000) -><br> true;<br>t(N) -><br> receive<br> {timeout} -><br> erlang:send_after(10, self(), {timeout}),<br>
% timer:sleep(10),<br> % self() ! {timeout},<br> t(N+1)<br> end.<br><br><br>> T = spawn(fun() -> tester:t(0) end).<br>> T ! {timeout}. <br><br>Will cause beam.smp process to consume 8% of cpu time as measured by the activity monitor (or top). Using timer:sleep instead of send_after has the same effect.<br>
If I run this program on a windows machine, werl process will not move above 0%.<br>This should not be normal behavior or should it?<br>I'm using R12B-5 on both machines.<br><br><br>thank you,<br>Sergej<br>