[erlang-bugs] io:get_chars no longer respecting Control-D (eof) in Erlang 18.1

Tony Wallace tony@REDACTED
Fri Feb 19 04:26:17 CET 2016

My apologies.  Not sure why I had problems (yet) but it is not
an erlang bug.


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	io:get_chars no longer respecting Control-D (eof) in Erlang 18.1
Date: 	Thu, 18 Feb 2016 22:43:36 +1300
From: 	Tony Wallace <tony@REDACTED>
To: 	erlang-bugs@REDACTED

The task is to produce an escript that reads standard input.  The code
that used to work was:

read_stdin() ->
read_stdin(eof) ->
read_stdin(Data) ->

Now this code causes the program to hang.  If I try the following
command from the erlang prompt:

2> io:get_chars("",10).

and then try to end the input with control-D the command does not
return.  It could be a problem with
the shell intercepting the control-D or io:get_chars could be broken.

Tony Wallace

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