[erlang-bugs] Strange stack-traces in crash reports

Alexey Lebedeff binarin@REDACTED
Fri Aug 5 13:45:49 CEST 2016

Hi folks,

In sasl logs I'm observing some stack-traces that I can't explain, on
Erlang 18.1 + actively using HiPE compilation. Looks like those are
stack-traces of 2 different processes somehow merged together.

Here are some examples:

** {function_clause,[{gb_trees,delete_1,2,[]},

mirrored_supervisor:init/1 is
But there is no way it can call:
- itself recursively
- gen_server2:handle_msg/2
- gb_trees:delete/1

** {function_clause,[{rabbit_channel,handle_info,2,[]},

And according to this trace, `ssl_config:module_info/1` somehow started
process of message handling in generic server, which doesn't make any
sense. And this `module_info` happens with a lot of different modules, both
built-in and application specific.

Is this something known? Can it be related to HiPE? I was not able to find
anything related to stacktraces in release notes of every 18 and 19 release.

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