[erlang-bugs] cover:analyse_to_file never returns

Peti Gömöri gomoripeti@REDACTED
Thu May 21 16:13:00 CEST 2015

Hi all,

I faced the following issue when trying to analyse a coverdata collected
The coverdata file contained a module which was removed (so source and beam
not available any more)
Imported the coverdata file and called cover:analyze_to_file(test,
"/tmp/test.html", [html]) never returned and resulted in the following
error report

    %% =ERROR REPORT==== 20-May-2015::16:13:47 ===
    %% Error in process <0.578.0> with exit value:

I did not look at the source code of cover yet but this looks like a
spawned process crashed and the main loop waiting for it indefinitely

The issue is reproducible (with file attached) on both R16B03-1 and 18-rc1

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