[erlang-bugs] parameterised types for orddict:is_key/1

Hans Bolinder hans.bolinder@REDACTED
Mon Jun 8 15:49:28 CEST 2015


> did the following commit introduce a new element to the abstract
> representation of Erlang? Or is it the first occurrence of {var,
> ¡Variablename¢} without a line number? All other occurrences of
> variables have the form {var, LineNumber, ¡Variablename¢}.
> Commit:
> https://github.com/erlang/otp/commit/966e9e7ed0951db306c3c5dc4b1fd4c6eac25cf9

Not that I know of.

When compiling the commit you're referring to, I cannot see the same
abstract representation as you do (I'm using beam_lib:chunks()).
I've asked Kostis and some colleagues, and they can't either. How did
you create the the file?

Best regards,

Hans Bolinder, Erlang/OTP team, Ericsson

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