[erlang-bugs] Erlang problems with big binaries

Nico Kruber nico.kruber@REDACTED
Wed Jan 21 15:19:30 CET 2015

I'd like to 'bor' (binary or) a big binary but the result is an empty list(?!)
Smaller binaries work as expected.

Steps to reproduce (at least on Erlang 17.4):

<<ANr:ASize>> = A.
<<BNr:BSize>> = B.
XNr = ANr bor BNr.

Please note that printing the actual values of A or B is not a good idea ;)
and so would XNr but including it directly into a binary fails with the same 
error: "** exception error: bad argument"
<<(ANr bor BNr):BSize>>.

Nico Kruber
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