[erlang-bugs] Erlang 18.0-rc1 is behaving slower than 17.4 (and 17.5)

José Valim jose.valim@REDACTED
Wed Apr 8 15:34:15 CEST 2015

Answers inline.

> Just to be absolutely clear. How is the 20% slow down measured?
> Is it based on the total run-time for the test suites (including
> compilation times for dynamic modules)?

In the reports you can see the total time for running the test suite, as
well as the time taken only for loading, and then just running the tests.
So we will have all three times.

> Before we can reach the conclusion that the run-time system
> is slower, we will need measurements on a piece of Erlang
> source code that has not changed between OTP versions.

Yes, agreed. I plan to perform a couple more benchmarks this weekend, if
anyone has any ideas about what to bench, feedback is welcome.

> I will have look and see if there are any unnecessary slowdowns
> in the BEAM compiler in OTP 18.

Thank you.
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