[erlang-bugs] Erlang 18.0-rc1 is behaving slower than 17.4 (and 17.5)

José Valim jose.valim@REDACTED
Wed Apr 8 00:44:18 CEST 2015

I have first noticed this issue when compiling Elixir's grammar. Compiling
yrl -> erl -> beam is about 20% slower in Erlang 18.0-rc1. The results are
shown below:


To further verify the performance issues, I have decided to run Elixir's
test suite with 18.0 and 17.4. Elixir test suite defines a lot of modules
dynamically when loading so that would be a good test. The results are here:


It is interesting that the load/compile times are indeed higher in 18.0 but
the test suite is also taking *longer*. This may imply it is not the
compiler that is slower but Erlang itself. I have run the test suite of
other projects in different Erlang versions (same Elixir version though)
and seen similar slow down. About a 20% slow down on Erlang 18.0-rc1

Unfortunately, I don't have any idea why this is happening. I have asked
others to compile the same .yrl file and they have seen similar performance
hit. It is easy to reproduce it. Download the elixir_parser.yrl file:


And run both commands:

    $ time erlc +time elixir_parser.yrl
    $ time erlc +time elixir_parser.erl

I hope by posting this report others can be alert to similar issues in
their projects.


*José Valim*
Skype: jv.ptec
Founder and Lead Developer
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