[erlang-bugs] windows deduplication file system causes vm crash for duplicated files

Jesse Schoch schoch@REDACTED
Wed Apr 1 19:41:45 CEST 2015

It appears that trying to access a file via file or filelib on a file that
has been deduplcated via windows deduplication causes the VM to crash.

more info about deduplication can be found below, it is supposed to be
transparent to the applications using the file system but it appears erlang
is making some assumptions about the filesystem or using interfaces that
are not up to date.   I was able to reproduce the error on 2 machines one
running 17.3  and the other running 17.5.  This was discovered using
elixir, but can be reproduced on a system without elixir on it.

Steps to recreate

1. setup volume with deduplicaiton
2. ensure duplicate files exist and dedup job has ran per windows
3. open erl.exe
4. run> filelib:file_size(Filename)

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