[erlang-bugs] Dialyzer's incorrect warning about opaque types

Shayan Pooya shayan@REDACTED
Thu Sep 11 06:12:53 CEST 2014

I have these two modules:


-opaque state() :: queue:queue(erlang:timestamp()).

-spec init()-> state().
init() ->



-record(state, {t :: has_opaque:state()}).

init() ->
    {ok, #state{t = has_opaque:init()}}.

Dialyzer is giving me this error message:

use_opaque.erl:7: The attempt to match a term of type 'undefined' |
against the variable _ breaks the opaqueness of has_opaque:state()

Compilation and invoking dialyzer:

        mkdir -p ebin
        erlc +debug_info -o ebin/ *.erl

        dialyzer --get_warnings -Wno_return -Wunmatched_returns
-Werror_handling -r ebin/ --plt ~/.dialyzer_plt

I get this error happens in Erlang 17.1 and 17.2.2 (on Linux). But Erlang
R15B02 on OpenBSD did not complain.
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