[erlang-bugs] Parser bug: if missing ", " in list between records, the first is ignored, and no parser warnings are given.

PAILLEAU Eric eric.pailleau@REDACTED
Sun Nov 16 19:15:34 CET 2014

1>  #test{a=2}#test{a=3}.
#test{a = 3,b = 6}


2> {test, 2,6}{test, 3, 6}.
* 1: syntax error before: '{'

10.8  Internal Representation of Records

Record expressions are translated to tuple expressions during 
compilation. A record defined as

-record(Name, {Field1,...,FieldN}).

is internally represented by the tuple


where each ValueI is the default value for FieldI.

I don't have any opinion on whether this syntax should be allowed or 
not, but parser should not fail on second notation in such case.


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