[erlang-bugs] SSL choking on concurrent clients?

Ingela Anderton Andin Ingela.Anderton.Andin@REDACTED
Mon May 12 17:02:56 CEST 2014


I changed your server loop to:

server_loop(ListenSocket, N) ->
     {ok, Socket} = ssl:transport_accept(ListenSocket),
     spawn(fun() ->
		  ok = ssl:ssl_accept(Socket),
		  ssl:send(Socket, <<N>>),
     error_logger:info_msg("~w accepted\n", [N]),
     server_loop(ListenSocket, N + 1).

This will improve the situation. But increasing the number of concurrent 
clients can still cause a connectivity problem. When the
server gets resource problems and sockets will be terminated already on 
tcp level. However so far I have not been able to find a bug only a load
regulation problem.

Regards Ingela Erlang/OTP team - Ericsson AB

On 05/09/2014 03:23 PM, Richard Carlsson wrote:
> Friday afternoon SSL fun: we're seeing long pauses where no client is
> getting any replies. See attached module. At first we thought it was a
> problem with lhttpc, but it turned out we could repeat the symptoms by
> making some simple concurrent ssl connections. (In our original case,
> the server was on another machine, and probably not using Erlang.)
>     /Richard
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