[erlang-bugs] Dialyzer chokes on remote types in t_contains_opaque()

Erik Søe Sørensen ess@REDACTED
Wed May 7 17:19:53 CEST 2014

Hi all / To whom it may concern -

Using Erlang 17.0, I get Dialyzer errors like the following:

    [{c,remote,[{remote,ssl,sslsocket,[]}],unknown}, ...}

Looking into the source, true enough, t_contains_opaque() does not 
handle the ?remote case.
The same is true of the otp master branch on github at the time of writing.

This is the full output:

    $ dialyzer --version
    Dialyzer version v2.7

    $ erlc +debug_info bar.erl && dialyzer bar.beam
    bar.erl:8: Warning: record state is unused
       Checking whether the PLT /home/erik/.dialyzer_plt is
    up-to-date... yes
       Proceeding with analysis...
    =ERROR REPORT==== 7-May-2014::17:00:09 ===
    Error in process <0.34.0> with exit value:

    dialyzer: Analysis failed with error:
    Last messages in the log cache:
       Reading files and computing callgraph...

where "bar.erl" is the following attempt at creating a minimal example:


    -type f(T) :: {ssl:sslsocket(), T}.

    -record(r1, { f1 :: f(_) }).
    -type r1(T) :: #r1{ f1 :: fun((ssl:sslsocket(), T) -> any()) }.

    -record(state, {
               r :: r1(T),
               arg :: T

The following variation also triggers the bug - this one perhaps makes 
slightly more sense, as the two types for f1 are compatible:


    -type f(T) :: fun((erlang:timestamp(), T) -> any()).

    -record(r1, { f1 :: baz:f(_) }).
    -type r1(T) :: #r1{ f1 :: f(T) }.

    -record(state, {
               f1 :: r1(T),
               arg :: T

(That actually just lead me to a workaround: making both types for f1 
remote, like this:
     -record(r1, { f1 :: baz:f(_) }).
     -type r1(T) :: #r1{ f1 :: baz:f(T) }.
makes the bug not be triggered. Which is nice, because then I can get on 
with my work :-))

Erik Søe Sørensen

Mobile: + 45 26 36 17 55 | Skype: eriksoesorensen | Twitter: @eriksoe
Trifork A/S  |  Margrethepladsen 4  |  DK-8000 Aarhus C | 
www.trifork.com <http://www.trifork.com/>
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