[erlang-bugs] PEM encoding problems with PBES2-params in public_key

Dániel Szoboszlay dszoboszlay@REDACTED
Wed May 7 11:04:50 CEST 2014


I tried to export an RSA key in PEM format using PBES2 encryption (using Erlang/OTP 17.0). The first problem I noticed is a documentation issue: public_key states that

cipher_info() = {"RC2-CBC | "DES-CBC" | "DES-EDE3-CBC",
    crypto:rand_bytes(8)} | 'PBES2-params'}
However the last option should be a #'PBES2-params'{} record, not an atom in reality. This record is not documented in neither the user’s guide nor the reference manual.

After reading some source code I came up with the following snippet, which almost works:

Rand = crypto:rand_bytes(8),
Params = #'PBES2-params'{
            keyDerivationFunc =
                   algorithm = ?'id-PBKDF2',
                   parameters =
                          salt = {specified, Rand},
                          iterationCount = 1,
                          keyLength = 24,
                          prf =
                                 algorithm = ?'id-hmacWithSHA1'
            encryptionScheme =
                   algorithm = ?'des-EDE3-CBC',
                   parameters = <<4, 8, Rand/binary>>
Entry = public_key:pem_entry_encode('RSAPrivateKey', RSAKey,
                                    {{"DES-EDE3-CBC", Params}, "1234abcd"}),

The problem is that Entry will contain the #'PBES2-params'{} record, but pubkey_pem:encode_pem_entry/1 accepts only a salt (a binary) in that position.

As far as I can tell decoding PEM files with PBES2-params work as expected, but encoding doesn’t, and this limitation is not documented.

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