[erlang-bugs] ssl versions option is order dependent - can incorrectly disable cipher suites

Ingela Anderton Andin Ingela.Anderton.Andin@REDACTED
Fri May 2 09:04:35 CEST 2014


You have a good point. Although it in most cases it will be true that 
the highest version is at the head of the list, it is not documented 
that it has to be or even desirable that we should have such a 
dependency. I will change the code to

diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/ssl.erl b/lib/ssl/src/ssl.erl
index 866312f..4dea977 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/ssl.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/ssl.erl
@@ -637,7 +637,8 @@ handle_options(Opts0, _Role) ->
  		    user_lookup_fun = handle_option(user_lookup_fun, Opts, undefined),
  		    psk_identity = handle_option(psk_identity, Opts, undefined),
  		    srp_identity = handle_option(srp_identity, Opts, undefined),
-		    ciphers    = handle_cipher_option(proplists:get_value(ciphers, 
Opts, []), hd(Versions)),
+		    ciphers    = handle_cipher_option(proplists:get_value(ciphers, 
Opts, []),
+						      RecordCb:highest_protocol_version(Versions)),
  		    %% Server side option
  		    reuse_session = handle_option(reuse_session, Opts, ReuseSessionFun),
  		    reuse_sessions = handle_option(reuse_sessions, Opts, true),

Regards Ingela Erlang/OTP Team - Ericsson AB

On 05/01/2014 03:29 PM, Ransom Richardson wrote:
> The issue is line 644 in ssl.erl:
>     ciphers    = handle_cipher_option(proplists:get_value(ciphers, Opts,
> []), hd(Versions)),
> If 'tlsv1.2' is in the versions list but not not the head, then any
> tlsv1.2 ciphers will be disabled.
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