[erlang-bugs] Dialyzer Bugs

Michael Truog mjtruog@REDACTED
Tue Jul 22 00:55:22 CEST 2014

There are two dialyzer bugs that I ran into recently:
1) In 17.1 passing a symbolic link to the --plt option doesn't work as it once did (it is still ok to have ~/.dialyzer_plt as a symbolic link)

2) -Wrace_conditions causes the dialyzer execution time to vary with the possibility that dialyzer execution will not finish.  The memory of dialyzer can also grow to much larger sizes >1GB while this occurs.  I had this occur awhile ago with R16B03-1 while leaving dialyzer to run and it refused to finish after roughly 40 minutes when a normal run takes 1 minute (roughly).  I recently talked to a person on IRC (freenode in the #erlang room) which had the same problem where the person's dev machine was affected but the CI server never had any problem completing the dialyzer runs.  It seems like this appears only when a sufficiently large amount of Erlang source code is used for the dialyzer run.  The person suspected that a corrupt file might have caused the problem to appear, but I doubted that -Wrace_conditions would be modifying any state on disk (it wouldn't be changing a PLT file, right?).


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